Structlog is an open-source logging tool for Python known for its simple API, performance, and quality of life features. It has been used in production since 2013 and has evolved over the years to incorporate recent major changes in Python such as asyncio and type hints.
This tutorial explores the essential aspects of Structlog. We will delve into formatting logs, applying filters, incorporating contextual data, seamlessly integrating Structlog with the Python standard logging library, and much more. Finally, we'll demonstrate how to seamlessly integrate Structlog into a Django web application, unlocking its full potential for your projects.
Before proceeding with this tutorial, ensure you have the latest version of Python (3.11 at the time of writing). If you don't have Python installed, find the download instructions here.
Once you have Python installed, create a directory that will contain the code samples, then change into the directory:
mkdir structlog_demo && cd structlog_demo
Next, create a virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts on your system and activate:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
When the virtual environment is active, the terminal will be prefixed with your virtual environment's name in parenthesis. You are now all set to continue with the remainder of this article.
Getting started with Structlog
Before you can start logging with Structlog, you must download the package into your project with the following command:
python -m pip install structlog
Collecting structlog
Downloading structlog-23.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (62 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 62.4/62.4 kB 3.0 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: structlog
Successfully installed structlog-23.1.0
After installing Structlog, create an
file using a text editor of your
choice and add the following code to log with Structlog:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()"Logging with structlog")
Structlog provides a pre-configured logger by default, which you access by
invoking the structlog.get_logger()
method. The info()
method is used on the
resulting logger to record messages at the INFO
Save the file and run the program with the following command:
2023-07-16 12:29:21 [info ] Logging with structlog
The output shows the following:
2023-07-16 12:29:21
: the time
: the severity level of the log message.Logging with structlog
: the log message.
Understanding log levels in Structlog
Log levels are labels that indicate the importance or severity of the message. Structlog retains the five log levels found in the logging module:
(10): used to log information that is useful for debugging the program.INFO
(20): indicates a normal event in the program.WARNING
(30): tracks events that indicate potential issues or anomalies that might not be critical but should be noted and addressed soon.ERROR
(40): indicates an error concerning an operation in your application that is fatal to that operation alone.CRITICAL
(50): indicates a severe problem that can force the application to shutdown, and must be investigated right away.
Each of the log levels mentioned has a corresponding logging method that you can invoke on a logger:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()
logger.debug("Database connection established")"Processing data from the API")
logger.warning("Resource usage is nearing capacity")
logger.error("Failed to save the file. Please check permissions")
logger.critical("System has encountered a critical failure. Shutting down")
2023-07-31 06:43:37 [debug ] Database connection established
2023-07-31 06:43:37 [info ] Processing data from the API
2023-07-31 06:43:37 [warning ] Resource usage is nearing capacity
2023-07-31 06:43:37 [error ] Failed to save the file. Please check permissions
2023-07-31 06:43:37 [critical ] System has encountered a critical failure. Shutting down
The messages are colored based on the severity of the message:
Now that you are familiar with Structlog's severity levels and their corresponding methods, let's move on you can move on to filtering log entries.
Setting the default log level
Unlike other logging packages, Structlog does not do any level-based filtering
by default. To filter the logs based on the level, you need to configure
Structlog using its configure()
import structlog
import logging
logger = structlog.get_logger()
. . .
The structlog.make_filtering_bound_logger()
method allows you to set a desired
minimum level. The method makes use of the Python standard logging library
levels, hence why you import the library in the second line. The logging library
is only used to provide the log level to Structlog and nothing else.
When you run the file again, you will only see messages with a severity level of
or higher:
2023-07-31 06:57:07 [warning ] Resource usage is nearing capacity
2023-07-31 06:57:07 [error ] Failed to save the file. Please check permissions
2023-07-31 06:57:07 [critical ] System has encountered a critical failure. Shutting down
Alternatively, you can also pass the integer value associated with the level like so:
. . .
. . .
Another option to consider is using environment variables. This will allow you to change the minimum log level without having to change the code:
import structlog
import logging
import os
level = os.environ.get("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO").upper()
LOG_LEVEL = getattr(logging, level)
logger = structlog.get_logger()
logger.debug("Database connection established")"Processing data from the API")
logger.warning("Resource usage is nearing capacity")
logger.error("Failed to save the file. Please check permissions")
logger.critical("System has encountered a critical failure. Shutting down")
The os.environ.get()
method access the LOG_LEVEL
environmental variable and
capitalizes the string value. It defaults to INFO
if the LOG_LEVEL
is not set. Afterwards, the getattr()
method is used to translate the level
string into a valid log level. Finally, the make_filtering_bound_logger()
method is updated accordingly.
You can test this out by setting the environment variable when you run the file as shown below:
LOG_LEVEL=warning python
2023-07-31 07:10:05 [warning ] Resource usage is nearing capacity
2023-07-31 07:10:05 [error ] Failed to save the file. Please check permissions
2023-07-31 07:10:05 [critical ] System has encountered a critical failure. Shutting down
That takes care of level-based filtering. In the next section, you will learn how to format the log records.
Formatting log records
You can format log records with Structlog using processors which are functions that customize log messages. Structlog has built-in processors that can add timestamps, log levels or modify a log format to mention a few. These processors can be composed into a processor chain. When a processor modifies a log entry, it passes the modified value to the next processor. To understand this fundamental idea, we will add each processor individually starting with the following example:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()"An info message")
In the preceding snippet, you added a ConsoleRenderer()
processor to the
list. The method receives an event dictionary and formats every
property as key=value
pairs aside from the timestamp, log level, and log
message. Then, it displays the value in the console.
Running the file generates the following output:
An info message
As you can observe from the output, only the log message is logged in the
console. There is no severity level or a timestamp as before. For the log entry
to have a log level or timestamp, you will have to add a processor to attach the
information you want. Structlog provides an add_log_level
processor that adds
a log level to a log entry. Add the highlighted code to add the processor:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()"An info message")
The log entry now displays the severity level:
[info ] An info message
When the info()
logging method is invoked, Structlog constructs an event
dictionary containing the message passed to the method. It then passes the event
dictionary to the first processor in the list, which is the add_log_level
method here.
This method adds a severity level property to the dictionary and returns the
same dictionary to the next processor. The ConsoleRenderer()
then takes the
event dictionary, converts it to a string, and displays it in the console.
Therefore, if you messed up the processor order like this:
. . .
You would receive an error:
"TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment".
The issue here is that add_log_level
expects an event dictionary so that it
can add a log level property. Instead, it receives a string and attempts to add
the property to it triggering the error.
Therefore, ensure that the processor that handles output is always the last one in the chain.
Customizing the timestamp
At this point, the log entry has no timestamp. Timestamps are crucial since they let you know when the log entry was made, allowing for log filtering log messages based on the date or time.
Structlog provides the TimeStamper()
processor that adds timestamps to log
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()"An info message")
1689524060.085182 [info ] An info message
This timestamp is a Unix epoch representing the number of seconds that have
elapsed from January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC. To make the timestamp more human
readable, you can pass an fmt
option and set it to the
ISO-8601 format:
. . .
. . .
2023-08-01T11:17:18.135786Z [info ] An info message
The ISO-8601 format is a popular and recommended standard for formatting date and time in logs since it can record timezones. We recommend sticking to UTC time to remove the ambiguity of time zones or international boundaries.
In rare cases where you want to use a completely custom format, you can do it with strftime format codes:
structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M.%S"),
Most often, the ISO-8601 format is all you need.
Adding custom fields to logs
Structlog also allows you to define custom fields. For example, you might want your logs to include a process ID, hostname, or the Python version. As of this writing, Structlog doesn't have built-in processors to add this kind of information. So you need to create a custom processor to add them.
In this section, you will define a custom processor that adds a process ID to the log entry. Building upon the example in the previous section, add the highlighted code:
import structlog
import os
def set_process_id(_, __, event_dict):
event_dict["process_id"] = os.getpid()
return event_dict
. . .
Structlog processors receive three arguments: the logger, method name (such as
), and an event dictionary. In the set_processor_id
function, the first
two parameters are not being used but event_dict
is used to add a custom
property to the log which in this case is the process ID.
To make Structlog aware of the set_process_id()
custom processor, you must add
it to the processor chain. When you run the file, you will see the process ID in
the log record:
2023-07-31T05:28:35.427629Z [info ] An info message process_id=102790
Logging in JSON
Structlog provides a JSONRenderer()
processor for creating structured logs
using the JSON format. You only need to replace the ConsoleRenderer()
with the
highlighted line:
. . .
logger = structlog.get_logger()"Log entry in JSON format")
The JSONRenderer()
processor renders the log in a structured form as displayed
in the output:
{"event": "Log entry in JSON format", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:34:52.779215Z", "process_id": 114401}
The event
key records the log message, but you can rename it to something more
typical using the EventRenamer()
processor. Add the following line to rename
to msg
. . .
. . .
{"level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:39:42.198119Z", "process_id": 122903, "msg": "Log entry in JSON format"}
Now the event
property has been renamed to msg
Adding contextual data to your logs
Now that you know how to create structured logs, filtering to find the logs you want to read will be much easier. But without adding relevant contextual data, it can be difficult to understand the sequence of events leading up to the log.
To remedy this, you can include contextual data each a log message. In a web application, such data could be the request ID, HTTP status code, resource ID and more.
With Structlog, you can add the contextual data at log point using key-value pairs:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()"Comment created", name="John Doe", post_id=2, comment_id="1")"Comment created", name="Bob Foster", post_id=2, comment_id="2")"Comment created", name="Jane Miles", post_id=2, comment_id="3")
All the key-value pairs passed to the info()
method calls are attached to the
log message as shown in the output:
{"name": "John Doe", "post_id": 2, "comment_id": "1", "event": "Comment created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:44:01.894040Z"}
{"name": "Bob Foster", "post_id": 2, "comment_id": "2", "event": "Comment created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:44:01.894133Z"}
{"name": "Jane Miles", "post_id": 2, "comment_id": "3", "event": "Comment created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:44:01.894153Z"}
Notice how post_id
is repeated in at each info()
call. To avoid this
repetition, you can bind key-value pairs to the logger via its bind()
. . .
logger = structlog.get_logger()
post_logger = logger.bind(post_id=2)"Comment created", name="John Doe", comment_id="1")"Comment created", name="Bob Foster", comment_id="2")"Comment created", name="Jane Miles", comment_id="3")
The output is similar to the previous one, but the log methods have no repetition:
{"post_id": 2, "name": "John Doe", "comment_id": "1", "event": "Comment created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:48:22.305666Z"}
{"post_id": 2, "name": "Bob Foster", "comment_id": "2", "event": "Comment created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:48:22.305736Z"}
{"post_id": 2, "name": "Jane Miles", "comment_id": "3", "event": "Comment created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:48:22.305758Z"}
In a web application, if you want information like the request ID in all logs,
you only need to invoke the bind()
method in the middleware.
Log filtering with Structlog
Log filtering in Structlog is achieved through processors. You can filter an
event based on any property in the event dictionary and raise the
exception to drop the event as demonstrated in this
import structlog
def drop_messages(_, __, event_dict):
if event_dict.get("route") == "login":
raise structlog.DropEvent
return event_dict
logger = structlog.get_logger()"User created", name="John Doe", route="login")"Post Created", title="My first post", route="post")
The drop_messages()
function is a custom processor that checks if the route
property value on the event dictionary matches login
. If the condition
evaluates to true, the event is dropped and the log message will not be logged:
{"title": "My first post", "route": "post", "event": "Post Created", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:57:11.559779Z"}
Structlog also allows you to filter events based on call site parameters like
filename, function name, thread, and more. You only need to add the
and specify the parameters you'd like to use for your
Let's look at the following example:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()
def read_files():"File opened successfully", name="file.txt")
def delete_files():
logger.warning("File deleted", name="app.log")
{"name": "file.txt", "event": "File opened successfully", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:58:54.959635Z"}
{"name": "app.log", "event": "File deleted", "level": "warning", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T05:58:54.959702Z"}
The read_files()
and delete_files()
functions log messages in the console.
If you want to see log entries from only the read_files()
function, add the
highlighted lines to drop log messages in the delete_files()
import structlog
def filter_function(_, __, event_dict):
if event_dict.get("func_name") == "delete_files":
raise structlog.DropEvent
return event_dict
logger = structlog.get_logger()
. . .
The filter_function()
custom processor checks if the function name matches the
and drops the event if the condition evaluates to true.
However, the event dictionary passed to each processor does not this information
by default. Therefore, the CallsiteParameterAdder()
processor must be
introduced to include the func_name
property amongst others. Finally, the
custom processor is added to the processor chain, so that
messages from the specified function are dropped accordingly:
{"name": "file.txt", "event": "File opened successfully", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T06:29:06.155647Z", "func_name": "read_files"}
The log message in the delete_files()
function has now been filtered out.
Using asynchronous methods to avoid blocking
Sometimes if your application is writing a lot of logs, it can be blocked while
the Structlog processor chain is formatting the log records. To avoid this,
Structlog provides asynchronous logging methods prefixed with an a
. For
example, a log method like info()
has its asynchronous counterpart ainfo()
To use it, you import the asyncio
library from Python and ensure that the
logging method call is invoked within a function that is prefixed with the
import structlog
import asyncio
logger = structlog.get_logger()
async def check_file_type():
await logger.awarning("Unsupported File", name="file1.t3x")
{"name": "file1.t3x", "event": "Unsupported File", "level": "warning", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T06:32:05.764121Z"}
Behind the scenes, the application will execute concurrently with the Structlog processor chain as it formats the logs.
Logging exceptions with Structlog
An application may detect errors during execution and throw an exception,
interrupting the normal flow of the program. These exceptions provide insights
into what went wrong and provide a starting point for debugging. Structlog
provides an exception()
method to log exceptions as seen in this example:
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger()
1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
logger.exception("Cannot divide one by zero!")
{"exc_info": true, "event": "Cannot divide one by zero!", "level": "error", "timestamp": "2023-07-31 06:34.16"}
When the ZeroDivisionError
exception is thrown, Structlog logs the message
passed to the exception()
method. But it is currently missing a stack trace
that can help you find the root cause of the problem. To add this info to all
exceptions, use the following processor:
. . .
. . .
Running the file yields a log entry like this:
{"event": "Cannot divide one by zero!", "level": "error", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:00:31.526266Z", "exception": [{"exc_type": "ZeroDivisionError", "exc_value": "division by zero", "syntax_error": null, "is_cause": false, "frames": [{"filename": "/home/stanley/structlog_demo/", "lineno": 16, "name": "<module>", "line": "", "locals": {"__name__": "__main__", "__doc__": "None", "__package__": "None", "__loader__": "<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0xffffaa2f3410>", "__spec__": "None", "__annotations__": "{}", "__builtins__": "<module 'builtins' (built-in)>", "__file__": "/home/stanley/structlog_demo/", "__cached__": "None", "structlog": "\"<module 'structlog' from '/home/stanley/structlog_demo/venv/lib/python3.11/site-\"+32", "logger": "'<BoundLoggerLazyProxy(logger=None, wrapper_class=None, processors=None, context_'+55"}}]}]}
The exception now contains helpful information that provides more context. Notice that the exception details are also serialized in the JSON format, making automatic analysis by log management systems much easier!
Logging into files
So far, you've been sending the logs to the console. Structlog also allows you
to redirect the logs to a more persistent storage device like a file by using
the WriteLoggerFactory()
method as follows:
import structlog
from pathlib import Path
logger = structlog.get_logger()"Info message")
logger.error("Error message")
Here, you set the logger_factory
to the WriteLoggerFactory()
method to send
the logs to a new app.log
file. When you run the program, this file will be
created and you will observe the following contents:
{"event": "Info message", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:04:37.994633Z"}
{"event": "Error message", "level": "error", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:04:37.994745Z"}
When logging to files, ensure to control the sizes of files through log rotation.
Using Structlog in a Django application
Now that you are familiar with how Structlog works, you will implement a logging system in a Django World Clock application. This application lets you search for any location and returns the time for the location.
For a smooth integration, we will use the
The package allows for smooth integration of Django with Structlog and also
comes with middleware that adds context data, such as user agent, IP address, or
a request ID.
First, deactivate the project directory virtual environment:
Next, move outside the project directory:
cd ..
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Then move into the newly created directory:
cd django-world-clock
Create a virtual environment, then activate it:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Move into the djangoWorldClock
cd djangoWorldClock
Install all the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate the database as follows:
python migrate
Then run the server:
python runserver
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks. . .
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
July 17, 2023 - 18:13:19
Django version 4.1.1, using settings 'djangoWorldClock.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Next, visit
in the web browser of your choice to see a
page similar to this:
When you enter a valid location, you will see the date for the city:
When you search for a blank location, you will see the following error:
Installing and configuring django-structlog
With the project up and running, you will now install django-structlog
and set
up the middleware for logging.
In the terminal, enter the following command to install django-structlog
python -m pip install django-structlog
Open djangoWorldClock/
in your text editor and register the
# . . .
Following that, add django-structlog
middleware to your project:
# . . .
Next, create a Structlog configuration at the end of the
import structlog
import os
. . .
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": True,
"formatters": {
"json_formatter": {
"()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
"processor": structlog.processors.JSONRenderer(),
"plain_console": {
"()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
"handlers": {
"console": {
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"formatter": "plain_console",
"json_file": {
"class": "logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler",
"filename": "logs/json.log",
"formatter": "json_formatter",
"loggers": {
"django_structlog": {
"handlers": ["console", "json_file"],
"level": "DEBUG",
"root": {
"handlers": ["console", "json_file"],
"level": "DEBUG",
os.makedirs(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "logs"), exist_ok=True)
dictionary has two formatters:
: converts log messages to the JSON format.plain_console
: render logs messages as plain text.
Next, you define two handlers that send plain log messages to the console, and
JSON log messages to the logs/json.log
Afterward, you configure Structlog with the configure()
method and use
processors that should be familiar at this point.
Finally, you invoke os.makedirs()
to create the directory logs
, where the
log files will reside.
Save the file, and the server will automatically restart and log the
following(if not, refresh
in the browser):
2023-07-31T07:33:06.713421Z [info ] request_started [django_structlog.middlewares.request] ip= request=GET / request_id=c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6 user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux aarch64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0 user_id=None
2023-07-31T07:33:06.713421Z [info ] request_started [django_structlog.middlewares.request] ip= request=GET / request_id=c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6 user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux aarch64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0 user_id=None
2023-07-31T07:33:06.716902Z [info ] request_finished [django_structlog.middlewares.request] code=200 ip= request=GET / request_id=c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6 user_id=None
2023-07-31T07:33:06.716902Z [info ] request_finished [django_structlog.middlewares.request] code=200 ip= request=GET / request_id=c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6 user_id=None
The application is now sending logs to the console as configured. Each log
messages include the request_id
, IP address, HTTP method, and the user agent.
has automatically added this context data for us.
In the project root directory, you will also find that the logs
directory has
been created with the json.log
The json.log
file contains JSON-formatted log messages:
{"request": "GET /", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux aarch64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0", "event": "request_started", "user_id": null, "ip": "", "request_id": "c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:33:06.713421Z", "logger": "django_structlog.middlewares.request", "level": "info"}
{"request": "GET /", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux aarch64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0", "event": "request_started", "user_id": null, "ip": "", "request_id": "c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:33:06.713421Z", "logger": "django_structlog.middlewares.request", "level": "info"}
{"code": 200, "request": "GET /", "event": "request_finished", "user_id": null, "ip": "", "request_id": "c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:33:06.716902Z", "logger": "django_structlog.middlewares.request", "level": "info"}
{"code": 200, "request": "GET /", "event": "request_finished", "user_id": null, "ip": "", "request_id": "c142eeac-4fcc-4387-9ecb-95e1367008d6", "timestamp": "2023-07-31T07:33:06.716902Z", "logger": "django_structlog.middlewares.request", "level": "info"}
The log messages include an IP address, which sometimes is sensitive information. Other examples include authorization tokens and passwords. To keep the information safe, you can redact the information or remove it. In this tutorial, you will remove the IP address.
To achieve that, you can implement a signal receiver to override existing
context data. You can also use the same option to add new metadata to the
request. Create a worldClock/
file and add the following code:
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_structlog.signals import bind_extra_request_metadata
import structlog
def remove_ip_address(request, logger, **kwargs):
The bind_contextvars()
method adds/modifies context data globally in all the
log messages. Here, you set ip
to None
so that the IP address value should
be removed.
To make sure that the signal works, add the following line to the
from . import signals
With that, save the file and the server will automatically restart. Refresh
to see logs with the IP address will be removed:
2023-07-31T07:44:05.730961Z [info ] request_started [django_structlog.middlewares.request] ip=None request=GET / request_id=12ef8eb1-5893-4f18-9bb3-5e6e75803a2e user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux aarch64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0 user_id=None
2023-07-31T07:44:05.730961Z [info ] request_started [django_structlog.middlewares.request] ip=None request=GET / request_id=12ef8eb1-5893-4f18-9bb3-5e6e75803a2e user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux aarch64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0 user_id=None
2023-07-31T07:44:05.736637Z [info ] request_finished [django_structlog.middlewares.request] code=200 ip=None request=GET / request_id=12ef8eb1-5893-4f18-9bb3-5e6e75803a2e user_id=None
2023-07-31T07:44:05.736637Z [info ] request_finished [django_structlog.middlewares.request] code=200 ip=None request=GET / request_id=12ef8eb1-5893-4f18-9bb3-5e6e75803a2e user_id=None
Logging in Django view functions
With logging in place, you are now ready to log messages in Django views.
In every file that has views, you should import structlog
and invoke
, then call logging methods as you have been doing
earlier in the tutorial:
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
import requests
import structlog
logger = structlog.get_logger(__name__)
# Create your views here.
def home(request):
logger.debug("homepage visited")
return render(request, "home.html")
def search(request):
# If the request method is not POST, redirect to the home page
if request.method != "POST":
"redirecting %s request to %s to '/'",
return redirect("/")
# Get the search query
query = request.POST.get("q", "")
searchLogger = logger.bind(query=query)"incoming search query for %s", query, query=query)
# Pass the search query to the Nominatim API to get a location
location = requests.get(
{"q": query, "format": "json", "limit": "1"},
searchLogger.bind(location=location).debug("Nominatim API response")
# If a location is found, pass the coordinate to the Time API to get the current time
if location:
coordinate = [location[0]["lat"], location[0]["lon"]]
time = requests.get(
{"latitude": coordinate[0], "longitude": coordinate[1]},
searchLogger.bind(time=time).debug("Time API response")
"Search query %s succeeded without errors", query
return render(
request, "success.html", {"location": location[0], "time": time.json()}
# If a location is NOT found, return the error page
else:"location %s not found", query, query=query)
return render(request, "fail.html")
except Exception as error:
return render(request, "500.html")
When you save and refresh http://localhost:8000/
, you will see the
homepage visited
log message:
. . .
2023-07-31T07:51:10.689684Z [debug ] homepage visited [worldClock.views] ip=None request_id=3e2a647d-1fb4-4ee0-ba0e-0ff9f1cfe5fa user_id=None
. . .
When you perform a query for "New York" or any valid city name, a log message will first acknowledge the query:
. . .
2023-07-31T07:53:56.035176Z [info ] incoming search query for New York [worldClock.views] ip=None query=New York request_id=5636ac03-c871-4862-8810-669227d15e4f user_id=None
. . .
In the try
block, a request will be to the API and a debug message will be
logged containing the API response data:
. . .
2023-07-31T08:01:52.386435Z [debug ] Nominatim API response [worldClock.views] ip=None location=[{'place_id': 362105211, 'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.', 'osm_type': 'relation', 'osm_id': 175905, 'boundingbox': ['40.476578', '40.91763', '-74.258843', '-73.700233'], 'lat': '40.7127281', 'lon': '-74.0060152', 'display_name': 'City of New York, New York, United States', 'class': 'boundary', 'type': 'administrative', 'importance': 1.017576611451846, 'icon': ''}] query=New York request_id=706375d5-7660-4f52-b83a-4d05d30e533b user_id=None
2023-07-31T08:01:58.734683Z [debug ] Time API response [worldClock.views] ip=None query=New York request_id=706375d5-7660-4f52-b83a-4d05d30e533b time=<Response [200]> user_id=None
If everything went smoothly, a successful debug message is logged:
2023-07-31T08:01:58.734998Z [debug ] Search query New York succeeded without errors [worldClock.views] coordinate=['40.7127281', '-74.0060152'] ip=None query=New York request_id=706375d5-7660-4f52-b83a-4d05d30e533b user_id=None
When a user enters an empty location, the following debug messages will be logged:
. . .
2023-07-31T08:11:35.377341Z [info ] incoming search query for [worldClock.views] ip=None query= request_id=5b1a3a0f-7066-4e6c-8567-4f1464bce294 user_id=None
2023-07-31T08:11:37.901924Z [debug ] Nominatim API response [worldClock.views] ip=None location=[] query= request_id=5b1a3a0f-7066-4e6c-8567-4f1464bce294 user_id=None
2023-07-31T08:11:37.902142Z [info ] location not found [worldClock.views] ip=None query= request_id=5b1a3a0f-7066-4e6c-8567-4f1464bce294 user_id=None
. . .
Final thoughts
In this article, we covered at a broad range of Structlog features and how to customize them. Armed with this knowledge, you should now be able to harness the power of Structlog effectively in your projects. To expand on your learning, ensure to read the Structlog documentation.
Thanks for reading, and happy logging!
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