The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a collection of cloud computing services offered by Google. It includes a range of services such as computing power, storage, and databases that can be used to build and run applications, as well as machine learning and big data analytics tools.
GCP allows developers to build and host their applications on Google's infrastructure, which is highly scalable and reliable. Additionally, GCP offers a range of management and security tools to help businesses manage their cloud resources.
In this article, we will focus on its logging functionality, which allows users to collect, analyze, and monitor log data from their GCP resources. This data can include logs from GCP services such as Compute Engine, Cloud SQL, Kubernetes Engine, and custom applications running on GCP.
GCP logging provides a centralized location for storing and analyzing log data, and allows users to set up alerts and notifications based on specific log patterns or events. Additionally, GCP logging integrates with other GCP tools such as Stackdriver Monitoring and BigQuery for further analysis and visualization of log data.
Before continuing with this tutorial, you need to:
- Have a Google Cloud Platform account, and install the gcloud CLI on your machine.
- Have a GitHub account, and have
installed on your machine. - Understand some basic concepts in logging, such as log levels, log rotation, log retention period, and so on.
- Understand how to use command line tools.
Deploying the demo app
We have created a demo app to help you get started. First, you need to clone the project to your machine using the following command:
git clone
Change into the project directory:
cd gcp-logging
Run the following command to create a new Cloud project:
gcloud projects create --name=gcp-logging
This project requires some configurations to work. First, you must enable billing for your GCP account.
After billing is enabled, you must also
add the Storage Object Viewer role
to the principal named
And finally enable the Cloud Build API for this project:
Now, go back to the terminal and set this newly created project as the working project:
gcloud config set project <project_id>
Then create a new App Engine application inside the project:
gcloud app create --region=us-central
And finally, deploy the application using the gcloud
gcloud app deploy
Services to deploy:
descriptor: [. . ./gcp-logging/app.yaml]
source: [. . ./gcp-logging]
target project: [<project_id>]
target service: [default]
target version: [20230117t150238]
target url: [<project-url>]
target service account: [App Engine default service account]
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?
Beginning deployment of service [default]...
╠═ Uploading 5 files to Google Cloud Storage ═╣
File upload done.
Updating service [default]...done.
Setting traffic split for service [default]...
Deployed service [default] to [<project-url>]
. . .
Visit the link from your browser, and you should see the welcome page.
This demo app doesn't seem like much, but the magic happens in the backend. If you visit the Logs Explorer, you should see the log records showing up.
GCP logging basics
To get started, let's discuss how logging works in Google Cloud. The following diagram from Google Cloud's documentation illustrates the entire architecture:
By default, GCP will automatically collect logs from stdout
and stderr
. The
logs data stays in the Logs Router waiting to be sent to the correct
The Logs Router is the traffic control of GCP's logging architecture. The router consists of multiple sinks, and each sink checks the log records against the existing inclusion and exclusion filters and decide whether or not to let them pass. If the log entry has a timestamp outside of the log retention period, the entry will be discarded.
Sinks are part of the Logs Router, and it controls how the log entries are
routed. You can see them as different outlets which point to various
destinations. By default, there are two predefined sinks, _Required
, and they point to the _Required
and _Default
The sinks act independently of each other. You may create your custom sinks that points to different destinations, and each log record can be passed by more than one log sink.
The supported destinations include:
- GCP Logging log bucket: it provides basic storage in GCP Logging.
- Pub/Sub topics: it allows third-party applications to access the log entries.
- BigQuery datasets: it allows you to use big data analysis capabilities to process your logs.
- GCP Storage bucket: it is similar to a log bucket but better for long-term storage, as it is more cost-effective.
And lastly, the _Required
log bucket contains Admin Activity audit logs,
System Event audit logs, and Access Transparency logs. These logs are retained
in the _Required
log bucket for 400 days, and you are not allowed to modify
this retention period.
The _Default
bucket, on the other hand, contains anything not ingested by the
log bucket. You can't delete the _Default
bucket, but you are
allowed to modify the retention period, which is 30 days by default.
View and query logs in GCP
Next, let's take a closer look at the Logs Explorer and talk about how to view and analyze log records in GCP. The Logs Explorer interface consists of the following components:
- The action toolbar consists of a refine scope feature which allows you to change the scope of your search by limiting it to only the current project, or one or more storage views, a share button, and a learn button linking to the related documentation.
- The query pane allows you to refine the search results further using the logging query language.
- The results toolbar allows you to toggle the log fields pane and the histogram on and off, and create metrics and alerts based on your current query expression.
- The log fields pane offers an overview of the log records. It breaks down the log entries by different dimensions such as severity level, log name, project ID, and so on.
- The histogram visualizes the number of logs over a period of time, and differentiates low-severity, medium-severity and high-severity log entries using different colors.
- The query results pane displays the result of your search query.
The logging query language
The logging query language is an integral part of logging in GCP, which allows you to search existing log entries, create filters, and more. This section discusses how to use query expressions to search your logs. For instance, you can search for texts across all logs and return the matching log entries.
You can use the search box or edit the query expressions directly Notice that the corresponding query expression will be generated below as you type in texts in the search box. To execute this query expression, click the Run query button on the top right corner.
You may also use regular expressions, which have the following format:
- Match a pattern:
jsonPayload.message =~ "<regular_expression>"
- Does not match a pattern:
jsonPayload.message !~ "<regular_expression>"
is called a
log field,
which points to the log message your application sent to GCP. For example, you
can match all log entries whose massage starts with the word Error
Or use Boolean operators in the query expression:
When using Boolean operators (AND
, OR
, and NOT
), you must note the
following rules:
- Parentheses are not permitted in the search term. The parentheses in search
expressions are parsed as part of the search term. For example,
NOT((NOT a) OR (NOT b))
will give the following query expression:
"a)" OR "(NOT"
If you do need to use parentheses, please edit the query expression directly.
- The Boolean operators must be capitalized, and lowercases will be parsed as
search terms. For instance,
a and b
will be parsed as:
- You may combine different operators in one expression. For example, the search
a AND b OR c AND d
will turn into the following Logging query expression:
"b" OR "c"
operator has the highest priority. For example, the search expression
will give:
Please refer to the official documentation for more advanced query language syntax.
Monitor your logs and set up alerts
Besides searching and querying logs, GCP also allows you to retrieve log based metrics, visualize the metrics, and set up alerts based on the metrics.
The system-defined metrics come with Google Cloud and cannot be altered. However, you can generate charts or set up alerts based on these metrics.
The user-defined metrics, on the other hand, are customizable. There are two types of user-defined metrics. The counter metrics count the number of log entries based on a given filter, and the distribution metrics collect numeric data from log entries.
Both metrics require you to specify a name, description, unit, and filter. The filter utilizes the query expression we just discussed. Their only difference is that the distribution metric requires you to define a field name, the log entry field from which the metrics values are retrieved, and a regular expression that extracts the numeric value from the field.
As an example, let's create a distribution metric that retrieves all log entries
whose message is Low disk space.
, and the numeric value would be
First of all, choose distribution metric:
Specify the details, such as name, description, and unit. In this case, the unit should be MB, as the numeric value shows the remaining disk space.
Next, set up the filter and specify the field name:
You can click on the PREVIEW LOGS button to see if your filter works correctly:
You can also create custom labels if you want, but we'll skip that for now. Finally, click CREATE METRIC, and you will be redirected to this page:
From here, you can choose your next step, such as creating charts in the Metrics Explorer, or set up alerts based on this metric.
Visualize the log metrics
Let's start by creating charts. Click EXPLORE METRICS, and you will be directed to the Metrics Explorer:
On the left side, you'll be able to customize how data is displayed. Here is an overview of some of the key settings.
- The Group by option allows you to combine data from multiple sources into one.
- After choosing a Group by option, you'll need to specify an
Aggregator, which defines how the data should be combined. Some common
options include
and so on. - The Minimum alignment period defines how often the aggregation takes place.
- Sometimes, the time series data have different periods or intervals. You must normalize the data, so they are of the same time period and interval. The Aligner specifies how you wish to normalize the data.
In our example, we only have one data source, so there is no point in using the aggregator. However, you do need to normalize the time series data so that the Metrics Explorer can process them:
After setting up the Aligner, a line chart should appear on the right side. Here you have the option to select the chart type (line chart, area chart, bar chart, etc), choose the time period, and save the chart.
Set up alerts based on metrics
Besides creating charts, you may also set up alerts from the metrics. Head back to the Next Steps page and this time, click CREATE ALERT:
In the Transform data section, you need to pay attention to two key settings. The first one is the rolling window. It specifies the time frame for which the data is calculated. For example, the mean of the remaining disk space is below 50 MB for 10 minutes.
The second one is the rolling window function, which is the same as the aligner we discussed before. It defines the function that is applied to the selected time frame.
Click Next and move on to the next step. Here you can define conditions that trigger the alarm. It can either be a threshold-based trigger, which sets off when the numeric value is above or below a threshold for a period of time, or an absence-based trigger that sets off when the value is absent for a period of time.
And then, in the next step, choose how to wish to be notified when the alert is triggered.
Finally, review and save the alert policy.
Creating custom log storage
Besides the _Required
and _Default
sinks we discussed before, GCP also
allows you to
create custom log sinks:
You can create a new log bucket in the Sink destination section.
The log retention period indicates how long you wish the log entries to be stored in this bucket, and older log entries will be removed. Setting a longer retention period means you have to pay more. If you are looking for a long-term storage, it is better to set up a storage bucket instead.
Next, set up an inclusion filter, which determines what logs will be allowed to pass the sink. This inclusion filter uses the same query language we discussed before, and if you do not set an inclusion filter, all log entries will be allowed to pass.
And lastly, set up exclusion filters that decide which log entries get rejected. You are allowed to set up multiple exclusion filters for each log sink.
Access control
Finally, let's discuss the security issues. GCP comes with IAM (Identity and Access Management) that allows you to decide which team members can access what feature by assigning them different roles. For GCP logging, there are predefined roles such as Logging Admin, Logs Bucket Writer, Logs Configuration Writer, and so on.
To view and manage users and roles, go to the IAM page:
To grant access to your team members, make sure they have an Gmail account, Google Group account, Google service account, or Google Workspace domain account. Type in the email address in the New principals field, and assign roles below:
Best practices for logging in GCP
As we've discussed before, by default, as long as your application is running,
GCP will automatically collect logs from stdout
and stderr
. The default
logging method of your preferred programming language would be good here.
However, things are a bit more complicated, and there are better options. We
have compiled a list of best practice guidelines you should follow when logging
in GCP.
Head back to the demo app, and look closely at the
file. There are a
few things you should note.
1. Use the client libraries
Google provides client libraries for C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby. It is better to use these client libraries if you are building logging systems in these languages, as the result log entries follow a certain format, making it easier for GCP to process. For example, if you don't use the client library, GCP logging will not be able to recognize the log level, and it will not display the correct icons in the Logs Explorer.
Using client libraries:
Not using client libraries:
The demo app uses the client library designed for Python applications.
2. Log as much as necessary
Be sure to log all events that pertain to the functioning of your application, including errors, authentication attempts, data access and modifications, and other important actions performed in your application.
3. Log contextual information
Each log record should contain enough contextual information that describes the event. For example, you are running a blog application, and a user added a new post. In this case, you shouldn't just record a simple message. Instead, you should also include some information in the record, such as the user ID, post ID, timestamp, user agent, and other relevant details about the event.
"message": "Error connecting to database.",
"dbname": "maindb"
4. Use structured logging format
Using a structured logging format ensures that your log records can be automatically processed by various logging tools which will save you time when investigating an issue. JSON is the go-to structured format for most people, but other options like logfmt also exist.
5. Exclude sensitive information
Take adequate care to never log business secrets, or personal data such as email addresses, passwords, or credit card information so that you don't compromise user privacy or incur regulatory fines.
6. Use the appropriate log level
Always make sure your log records have the appropriate log level so that you can easily differentiate between events that require urgent attention from those that are merely informational.
"message": "Application crashed.",
"code": 12345
Logtail: a modern log management solution
If you've made it so far, you must have noticed some issues with GCP logging. For example, the query results are not always updated in real-time, and sometimes you have to wait minutes before the new log entries come through. And the UI design isn't ideal either, as GCP tries to put too many items in one window.
If you are looking for a modern alternative to GCP logging, consider sending your application logs to Logtail instead.
Logtail is a cloud-based log collection and analysis tool. It allows users to collect, process, and analyze log data from various sources, such as servers, applications, and cloud environments. Logtail can also set alerts and notifications based on specific log patterns or events. In addition, it provides a web-based interface for searching, filtering, and visualizing log data in real time.
Logtail offers many client packages that allow you to send your application logs to Logtail directly. We have also created detailed logging guides for many different languages, such as the ones listed below:
Final thoughts
In this article, we discussed some basic concepts regarding logging in GCP. Together we explored how to view and search log entries, retrieve metrics from the log data, visualize them and create alerts based on the metrics, and create custom log sinks. And finally, we listed some best practice guidelines you should follow when logging in GCP. These guidelines make sure you are using GCP to its full potential. We hope this tutorial has helped you understand the various logging features provided by GCP.
If you wish to dig deeper into the subject of logging, we also provide several tutorials regarding log rotation, log levels, and centralizing logs to help you build a more effective logging system.
Thanks for reading, and happy logging!
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