Zap is a structured logging package developed by Uber and designed for Go applications. According to their GitHub README document, it offers "Blazing fast", structured, leveled logging with minimal allocations. This claim is supported by their benchmarking results, which demonstrate that Zap outperforms almost all other comparable structured logging libraries for Go, except Zerolog.
Package | Time | Time % to zap | Objects Allocated |
zap | 193 ns/op | +0% | 0 allocs/op |
zap (sugared) | 227 ns/op | +18% | 1 allocs/op |
zerolog | 81 ns/op | -58% | 0 allocs/op |
slog | 322 ns/op | +67% | 0 allocs/op |
go-kit | 5377 ns/op | +2686% | 56 allocs/op |
apex/log | 19518 ns/op | +10013% | 53 allocs/op |
log15 | 19812 ns/op | +10165% | 70 allocs/op |
logrus | 21997 ns/op | +11297% | 68 allocs/op |
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the Zap package and discuss many of its most useful features. We'll start with the basic setup of Zap in a Go program, then move on to detailed examples illustrating how to write and manage logs of various levels and formats. Finally, we'll wrap up the article by touching base on more advanced topics such as custom encoders, multi-output logging, and using Zap as an Slog backend.
Let's get started!
Before following through with this tutorial, we recommend having the latest version of Go installed on your computer (v1.20 at the of writing). Once you've installed Go, create a new project directory on your computer so you can run the provided examples in this article:
mkdir zap-logging
cd zap-logging
go mod init<user>/zap-logging
Getting started with Zap
Before you can start working with Zap, you need to install it into your project through the command below:
go get -u
Once you've installed Zap, you can start using it in your program like this:
package main
import (
func main() {
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction())
defer logger.Sync()
logger.Info("Hello from Zap logger!")
{"level":"info","ts":1684092708.7246346,"caller":"zap/main.go:12","msg":"Hello from Zap logger!"}
Unlike most other logging packages for Go, Zap does not provide a pre-configured
global logger ready for use. Therefore, you must create a
zap.Logger instance before you can
begin to write logs. The NewProduction()
method returns a Logger
to log to the standard error in JSON format, and its minimum log level is set to
The output produced is relatively straightforward and contains no surprises
except for its default timestamp format (ts
), which is presented as the number
of nanoseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 UTC instead of the typical ISO-8601
You can also utilize the NewDevelopment()
preset to create a Logger
that is
more optimized for use in development environments. This means logging at the
level and using a more human-friendly format:
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewDevelopment())
2023-05-14T20:42:39.137+0100 INFO zap/main.go:12 Hello from Zap logger!
You can easily switch between a development and production Logger
using an
environmental variable:
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction())
if os.Getenv("APP_ENV") == "development" {
logger = zap.Must(zap.NewDevelopment())
Setting up a global logger
If you want to write logs without creating a Logger
instance first, you can
use the ReplaceGlobals()
method perhaps in an init()
package main
import (
func init() {
func main() {
zap.L().Info("Hello from Zap!")
This method replaces the global logger accessible through zap.L()
with a
functional Logger
instance so that you can use it directly just by importing
the zap
package into your file.
Examining Zap's logging API
Zap provides two primary APIs for logging. The first is the low-level Logger
type that provides a structured way to log messages. It is designed for use in
performance-sensitive contexts where every allocation matters, and it only
supports strongly typed contextual fields:
func main() {
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction())
defer logger.Sync()
logger.Info("User logged in",
zap.String("username", "johndoe"),
zap.Int("userid", 123456),
zap.String("provider", "google"),
{"level":"info","ts":1684094903.7353888,"caller":"zap/main.go:17","msg":"User logged in","username":"johndoe","userid":123456,"provider":"google"}
The Logger
type exposes a single method for each of the supported log levels
, Warn()
, Error()
, etc), and each one accepts a message and zero or
more Fields which are strongly typed
key/value pairs, as shown in the above example.
The second higher-level API is the SugaredLogger
type which represents a more
laid-back approach to logging. It has a less verbose API than the Logger
at a
small performance cost.
Behind the scenes, it relies on the Logger
type for actual logging operations:
func main() {
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction())
defer logger.Sync()
sugar := logger.Sugar()
sugar.Info("Hello from Zap logger!")
"Hello from Zap logger!",
"Hello from Zap logger! The time is %s",
time.Now().Format("03:04 AM"),
sugar.Infow("User logged in",
"username", "johndoe",
"userid", 123456,
zap.String("provider", "google"),
{"level":"info","ts":1684147807.960761,"caller":"zap/main.go:17","msg":"Hello from Zap logger!"}
{"level":"info","ts":1684147807.960845,"caller":"zap/main.go:18","msg":"Hello from Zap logger!"}
{"level":"info","ts":1684147807.960909,"caller":"zap/main.go:21","msg":"Hello from Zap logger! The time is 11:50 AM"}
{"level":"info","ts":1684148355.2692218,"caller":"zap/main.go:25","msg":"User logged in","username":"johndoe","userid":123456,"provider":"google"}
A Logger
can be converted to a SugaredLogger
type by calling the Sugar()
method on it. Conversely, the Desugar()
method converts a SugaredLogger
to a
, and you can perform these conversions as often as necessary as the
performance overhead is negligible.
sugar := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction()).Sugar()
defer sugar.Sync()
sugar.Infow("Hello from SugaredLogger!")
logger := sugar.Desugar()
logger.Info("Hello from Logger!")
This feature means you don't have to adopt one or the other in your codebase.
For example, you can default to the SugaredLogger
in the common case for its
flexibility, then convert to the Logger
type at the boundaries of
performance-sensitive code.
The SugaredLogger
type provides four methods for each supported level:
The first one (
, etc.) is identical in name to the level method on aLogger
, but it accepts one or more arguments ofany
type. Under the hood, they use thefmt.Sprint()
method to concatenate the arguments into themsg
property in the output.Methods ending with
(such asInfoln()
are the same as the first except thatfmt.Sprintln()
is used to construct and log the message instead.Methods ending with
use thefmt.Sprintf()
method to construct and log a templated message.Finally, methods ending with
allow you to add a mix of strongly and loosely typed key/value pairs to your log records. The log message is the first argument; subsequent arguments are expected to be in key/value pairs as shown in the example above.
One thing to note about using loosely-typed key/value pairs is that the keys are always expected to be strings, while the value can be of any type. If you use a non-string key, your program will panic in development:
sugar.Infow("User logged in", 1234, "userID")
2023-05-15T12:06:12.996+0100 ERROR zap@v1.24.0/sugar.go:210 Ignored key-value pairs with non-string keys. {"invalid": [{"position": 0, "key": 1234, "value": "userID"}]}*SugaredLogger).Infow
2023-05-15T12:06:12.996+0100 INFO zap/main.go:14 User logged in
In production, a separate error is logged and the key/value pair is skipped:
{"level":"error","ts":1684148883.086758,"caller":"zap@v1.24.0/sugar.go:210","msg":"Ignored key-value pairs with non-string keys.","invalid":[{"position":0,"key":1234,"value":"userID"}],"stacktrace":"*SugaredLogger).Infow\n\t/home/ayo/go/pkg/mod/\nmain.main\n\t/home/ayo/dev/demo/zap/main.go:14\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}
{"level":"info","ts":1684148883.0867138,"caller":"zap/main.go:14","msg":"User logged in"}
Passing an orphaned key (one with no corresponding value) behaves similarly: a
panic in development and an error in production. Due to all these caveats with
loosely typed key/value pairs, we recommend using strongly-typed contextual
fields at all times regardless of whether you're using Logger
Log levels in Zap
Zap provides the log levels below in increasing order of severity. Each one is associated with a corresponding integer:
(-1): for recording messages useful for debugging.INFO
(0): for messages describing normal application operations.WARN
(1): for recording messages indicating something unusual happened that may need attention before it escalates to a more severe issue.ERROR
(2): for recording unexpected error conditions in the program.DPANIC
(3): for recording severe error conditions in development. It behaves likePANIC
in development andERROR
in production.PANIC
(4): callspanic()
after logging an error condition.FATAL
(5): callsos.Exit(1)
after logging an error condition.
These levels are defined in the zapcore package which defines and implements the low-level interfaces upon which Zap is built.
Notably, there is no TRACE
level, and neither is there a way to
add custom levels to a Logger which
could be a deal-breaker for some. As previously stated, the log level set by
default for the production logger is INFO
. If you desire to modify this
setting, you must create a custom logger, which we will elaborate on in the
following section.
Creating a custom logger
So far, we've shown how to use the default configurations provided by Zap
through its production and development presets. Let's now examine how to create
a Logger
instance with custom configuration options.
There are two main ways to create a custom Logger
with Zap. The first involves
using its Config type to build a
custom logger as demonstrated below:
package main
import (
func createLogger() *zap.Logger {
encoderCfg := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
encoderCfg.TimeKey = "timestamp"
encoderCfg.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
config := zap.Config{
Level: zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel),
Development: false,
DisableCaller: false,
DisableStacktrace: false,
Sampling: nil,
Encoding: "json",
EncoderConfig: encoderCfg,
OutputPaths: []string{
ErrorOutputPaths: []string{
InitialFields: map[string]interface{}{
"pid": os.Getpid(),
return zap.Must(config.Build())
func main() {
logger := createLogger()
defer logger.Sync()
logger.Info("Hello from Zap!")
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-15T12:40:16.647+0100","caller":"zap/main.go:42","msg":"Hello from Zap!","pid":2329946}
The createLogger()
function above returns a new zap.Logger
that acts similar
to the NewProduction()
but with a few differences. We're using Zap's
production config as a base for our custom logger by calling the
and modifying it a bit by changing the ts
to timestamp
and the time format to ISO-8601. The
zapcore package exposes
the interfaces that Zap is built on so that you can customize and extend its
The Config
object contains many of the most common configuration options
desired when creating a new Logger
. Detailed descriptions of what each field
represents are in the
project's documentation so we won't
rehash them all here except for a few:
specifies one or more targets for the logging output (see Open for more details).ErrorOutputPaths
is similar toOutputPaths
but is used for Zap's internal errors only, not those generated or logged by your application (such as the error from mismatched loosely-typed key/value pairs).InitialFields
specifies global contextual fields that should be included in every log entry produced by each logger created from theConfig
object. We're only including the process ID of the program here, but you can add other useful global metadata like the Go version running the program, git commit hash or application version, environment or deployment information, and more.
Once you've set up your preferred configuration settings, you must call the
method to generate a Logger
. Ensure to see the documentation for
Config and
for all the available options.
A second, more advanced way to create a custom logger involves using the
method. It accepts a
interface and zero or more Options
to configure the Logger
. Here's an example that logs a colorized output to the
console and JSON format to a file simultaneously:
func createLogger() *zap.Logger {
stdout := zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout)
file := zapcore.AddSync(&lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: "logs/app.log",
MaxSize: 10, // megabytes
MaxBackups: 3,
MaxAge: 7, // days
level := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel)
productionCfg := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
productionCfg.TimeKey = "timestamp"
productionCfg.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
developmentCfg := zap.NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig()
developmentCfg.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder
consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(developmentCfg)
fileEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(productionCfg)
core := zapcore.NewTee(
zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, stdout, level),
zapcore.NewCore(fileEncoder, file, level),
return zap.New(core)
func main() {
logger := createLogger()
defer logger.Sync()
logger.Info("Hello from Zap!")
2023-05-15T16:15:05.466+0100 INFO Hello from Zap!
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-15T16:15:05.466+0100","msg":"Hello from Zap!"}
This example uses the
Lumberjack package to automatically
rotate log files so
they don't get too large. The NewTee()
method duplicates log entries into two
or more destinations. In this case, the logs are sent to the standard output
using a colorized plaintext format, while the JSON equivalent is sent to the
By the way, we generally recommend using an external tool like Logrotate to manage and rotate log files instead of doing it in the application itself.
Adding context to your logs
As mentioned earlier, contextual logging with Zap is done by passing strongly typed key/value pairs after the log message like this:
logger.Warn("User account is nearing the storage limit",
zap.String("username", "john.doe"),
zap.Float64("storageUsed", 4.5),
zap.Float64("storageLimit", 5.0),
{"level":"warn","ts":1684166023.952419,"caller":"zap/main.go:46","msg":"User account is nearing the storage limit","username":"john.doe","storageUsed":4.5,"storageLimit":5}
Using child loggers, you can also add contextual properties to all the logs
produced in a specific scope. This helps you avoid unnecessary repetition at log
point. Child loggers are created using the With()
method on a Logger
func main() {
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction())
defer logger.Sync()
childLogger := logger.With(
zap.String("service", "userService"),
zap.String("requestID", "abc123"),
childLogger.Info("user registration successful",
zap.String("username", "john.doe"),
zap.String("email", ""),
childLogger.Info("redirecting user to admin dashboard")
Notice how the service
and requestID
are present in both logs:
{"level":"info","ts":1684164941.7644951,"caller":"zap/main.go:52","msg":"user registration successful","service":"userService","requestID":"abc123","username":"john.doe","email":""}
{"level":"info","ts":1684164941.764551,"caller":"zap/main.go:57","msg":"redirecting user to admin dashboard","service":"userService","requestID":"abc123"}
You can use the same method to add global metadata to all your logs. For example, you can do something like this to include the process ID and Go version used to compile the program in all your records:
func createLogger() *zap.Logger {
. . .
buildInfo, _ := debug.ReadBuildInfo()
return zap.New(samplingCore.With([]zapcore.Field{
zap.String("go_version", buildInfo.GoVersion),
zap.Int("pid", os.Getpid()),
Logging errors with Zap
Errors are one of the most important logging targets, so knowing how a framework
handles errors is crucial before adopting it. In Zap, you can log errors using
the Error()
method. A stacktrace
is included in the output along with an
property if the zap.Error()
method is used:
logger.Error("Failed to perform an operation",
zap.String("operation", "someOperation"),
zap.Error(errors.New("something happened")), // the key will be `error` here
zap.Int("retryAttempts", 3),
zap.String("user", "john.doe"),
{"level":"error","ts":1684164638.0570025,"caller":"zap/main.go:47","msg":"Failed to perform an operation","operation":"someOperation","error":"something happened","retryAttempts":3,"user":"john.doe","stacktrace":"main.main\n\t/home/ayo/dev/demo/zap/main.go:47\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}
For more severe errors, the Fatal()
method is available. It calls os.Exit(1)
after writing and flushing the log message:
logger.Fatal("Something went terribly wrong",
zap.String("context", "main"),
zap.Int("code", 500),
zap.Error(errors.New("An error occurred")),
{"level":"fatal","ts":1684170760.2103574,"caller":"zap/main.go:47","msg":"Something went terribly wrong","context":"main","code":500,"error":"An error occurred","stacktrace":"main.main\n\t/home/ayo/dev/demo/zap/main.go:47\nruntime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:250"}
exit status 1
If the error is recoverable, you may use the Panic()
method instead. It logs
at the PANIC
level and calls panic()
instead of os.Exit(1)
. There's also a
level that only panics in development after logging at the DPANIC
level. In production, it logs at the DPANIC
level without actually panicking.
If you'd prefer not to use non-standard levels like PANIC
, you
can configure both methods to log at the ERROR
level instead using the
following code:
func lowerCaseLevelEncoder(
level zapcore.Level,
enc zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder,
) {
if level == zap.PanicLevel || level == zap.DPanicLevel {
zapcore.LowercaseLevelEncoder(level, enc)
func createLogger() *zap.Logger {
stdout := zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout)
level := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel)
productionCfg := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
productionCfg.TimeKey = "timestamp"
productionCfg.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
productionCfg.EncodeLevel = lowerCaseLevelEncoder
jsonEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(productionCfg)
core := zapcore.NewCore(jsonEncoder, stdout, level)
return zap.New(core)
func main() {
logger := createLogger()
defer logger.Sync()
"this was never supposed to happen",
{"level":"error","timestamp":"2023-05-15T18:55:33.534+0100","msg":"this was never supposed to happen"}
Log sampling with Zap
Log sampling is a technique used to reduce application log volume by selectively capturing and recording only a subset of log events. Its purpose is to strike a balance between the need for comprehensive logging and the potential performance impact of logging too much data.
Rather than capturing every single log event, log sampling allows you to select a representative subset of log messages based on specific criteria or rules. This way the amount of generated log data is greatly reduced, which can be especially beneficial in high-throughput systems.
In Zap, sampling can be configured on a Logger
by using the
method as shown below:
func createLogger() *zap.Logger {
stdout := zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout)
level := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel)
productionCfg := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
productionCfg.TimeKey = "timestamp"
productionCfg.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
productionCfg.EncodeLevel = lowerCaseLevelEncoder
productionCfg.StacktraceKey = "stack"
jsonEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(productionCfg)
jsonOutCore := zapcore.NewCore(jsonEncoder, stdout, level)
samplingCore := zapcore.NewSamplerWithOptions(
time.Second, // interval
3, // log first 3 entries
0, // thereafter log zero entires within the interval
return zap.New(samplingCore)
Zap samples by logging the first N entries with a given level and message within
the specified time interval. In the above example, only the first 3 log entries
with the same level and message are recorded in a one-second interval. Every
other log entry will be dropped within the interval since 0
is specified here.
You can test this out by logging in a for
func main() {
logger := createLogger()
defer logger.Sync()
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
logger.Info("an info message")
logger.Warn("a warning")
Therefore, instead of observing 20 log entries, you should see just six:
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-17T16:00:17.611+0100","msg":"an info message"}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-05-17T16:00:17.611+0100","msg":"a warning"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-17T16:00:17.611+0100","msg":"an info message"}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-05-17T16:00:17.611+0100","msg":"a warning"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-17T16:00:17.611+0100","msg":"an info message"}
{"level":"warn","timestamp":"2023-05-17T16:00:17.611+0100","msg":"a warning"}
Here, only the first three iterations of the loop produced some output. This is because the logs produced in the other seven iterations were discarded due to the sampling configuration. Likewise, Zap will drop duplicates when similar entries are being logged several times each second due to heavy load or when the application is experiencing a run of errors.
While log sampling can be used to reduce log volume and the performance impact of logging, it could also potentially cause some log events to be missed which might impact troubleshooting and debugging efforts. Therefore, sampling should only be applied after carefully considering the specific requirements of the application in question.
Hiding sensitive details in your logs
Back in 2018, Twitter had to urge their users to change their passwords due to their accidental logging of millions of passwords in plaintext form to an internal log. While no evidence of misuse was discovered, this incident serves as a poignant reminder of how application logs, if not handled with due diligence, can compromise user security and privacy.
One technique to prevent inadvertently logging a type with sensitive fields is by redacting or masking the data at log point. In Zap, this can be done by implementing the Stringer interface and then defining the exact string that should be returned when the type is logged. Here's a short demonstration:
type User struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"email"`
func main() {
logger := createLogger()
defer logger.Sync()
user := User{
ID: "USR-12345",
Name: "John Doe",
Email: "",
logger.Info("user login", zap.Any("user", user))
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-17T17:00:59.899+0100","msg":"user login","user":{"id":"USR-12345","name":"John Doe","email":""}}
In this example, the entire user
is logged exposing the user's email address
unnecessarily. You can prevent this by implementing the Stringer
interface as
func (u User) String() string {
return u.ID
This replaces the entire User
type with just the ID
field in the logs:
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-17T17:05:01.081+0100","msg":"user login","user":"USR-12345"}
If you need more control, you can create your own zapcore.Encoder
that uses
the JSON encoder as a base while filtering out sensitive fields:
type SensitiveFieldEncoder struct {
cfg zapcore.EncoderConfig
// EncodeEntry is called for every log line to be emitted so it needs to be
// as efficient as possible so that you don't negate the speed/memory advantages
// of Zap
func (e *SensitiveFieldEncoder) EncodeEntry(
entry zapcore.Entry,
fields []zapcore.Field,
) (*buffer.Buffer, error) {
filtered := make([]zapcore.Field, 0, len(fields))
for _, field := range fields {
user, ok := field.Interface.(User)
if ok {
user.Email = "[REDACTED]"
field.Interface = user
filtered = append(filtered, field)
return e.Encoder.EncodeEntry(entry, filtered)
func NewSensitiveFieldsEncoder(config zapcore.EncoderConfig) zapcore.Encoder {
encoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(config)
return &SensitiveFieldEncoder{encoder, config}
func createLogger() *zap.Logger {
. . .
jsonEncoder := NewSensitiveFieldsEncoder(productionCfg)
. . .
return zap.New(samplingCore)
This above snippet ensures that the email
property is redacted while the other
fields are left as is:
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-17T17:38:11.749+0100","msg":"user login","user":{"id":"USR-12345","name":"John Doe","email":"[REDACTED]"}}
Of course, this won't help much if the User
type is logged under a different
key, such as user_details
. You may remove the if field.Key == "user"
condition to ensure redaction is carried out regardless of the provided key.
Some caveats with custom encoders
When using custom encoding with Zap, like in the previous section, you may also
need to implement the Clone()
method on the zapcore.Encoder
interface so
that it also works for child loggers created with the With()
child := logger.With(zap.String("name", "main"))
child.Info("an info log", zap.Any("user", u))
Before implementing Clone()
you will observe that the custom EncodeEntry()
isn't executed for the child logger, causing the email field to appear
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-20T09:14:46.043+0100","msg":"an info log","name":"main","user":{"id":"USR-12345","name":"John Doe","email":""}}
When With()
is used to create a child logger, the Clone()
method on the
configured Encoder
is executed to copy it and ensure that added fields do not
affect the original. Without implementing this method on your custom encoder
type, the Clone()
method declared on the embedded zapcore.Encoder
(the JSON
Encoder in this case) is invoked instead, and this means that child loggers will
not use your custom encoding.
You can correct this situation by implementing the Clone()
method as follows:
func (e *SensitiveFieldEncoder) Clone() zapcore.Encoder {
return &SensitiveFieldEncoder{
Encoder: e.Encoder.Clone(),
You will now observe the correct redacted output:
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-20T09:28:31.231+0100","msg":"an info log","name":"main","user":{"id":"USR-12345","name":"John Doe","email":"[REDACTED]"}}
However, note that custom encoders do not affect fields attached using the
method, so if you do something like this:
child := logger.With(zap.String("name", "main"), zap.Any("user", u))
child.Info("an info log")
You will get the previous unredacted output regardless of whether Clone()
implemented or not because only the fields added at log point are present in the
fields []zapcore.Field
argument of EncodeEntry()
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2023-05-20T09:31:11.919+0100","msg":"an info log","name":"main","user":{"id":"USR-12345","name":"John Doe","email":""}}
Logging with Zap in a Go application
Now that we've explored Zap's logging API and some of its most useful features, it's time to examine a practical example showcasing how you can employ it to incorporate logging in a Go web application. You can find a concrete example of this implementation here.
Start by cloning the demo project to your machine using the command below:
git clone
cd go-logging
Then switch to the zap
branch as follows:
git checkout zap
Open the logger/logger.go
file in your text editor and examine its contents:
package logger
. . .
func Get() *zap.Logger {
. . .
return logger
func FromCtx(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger {
if l, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKey{}).(*zap.Logger); ok {
return l
} else if l := logger; l != nil {
return l
return zap.NewNop()
func WithCtx(ctx context.Context, l *zap.Logger) context.Context {
if lp, ok := ctx.Value(ctxKey{}).(*zap.Logger); ok {
if lp == l {
return ctx
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKey{}, l)
The Get()
function is used to initialize a zap.Logger
instance if it has not
been initialized already, and it returns the same instance for subsequent calls.
The logger is configured to log to the standard output and logs/app.log
func Get() *zap.Logger {
once.Do(func() {
. . .
// log to multiple destinations (console and file)
// extra fields are added to the JSON output alone
core := zapcore.NewTee(
zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, stdout, logLevel),
zapcore.NewCore(fileEncoder, file, logLevel).
zap.String("git_revision", gitRevision),
zap.String("go_version", buildInfo.GoVersion),
logger = zap.New(core)
return logger
It is used in the main
function like this:
func main() {
l := logger.Get()
. . .
On the other hand, the WithCtx()
method associates a zap.Logger
with a context.Context
and returns it, while FromCtx()
takes a
and returns the zap.Logger
associated with it (if any). This
makes storing and retrieving the same Logger
instance in the context of an
HTTP request easy.
For example, the requestLogger()
is a middleware function that retrieves a
logger instance and creates a child logger using the request's correlation ID.
It then proceeds to associate the child logger with the request context so that
you can retrieve it in subsequent handlers:
func requestLogger(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// retrieve the standard logger instance
l := logger.Get()
// create a correlation ID for the request
correlationID := xid.New().String()
ctx := context.WithValue(
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
// create a child logger containing the correlation ID
// so that it appears in all subsequent logs
l = l.With(zap.String(string(correlationIDCtxKey), correlationID))
w.Header().Add("X-Correlation-ID", correlationID)
lrw := newLoggingResponseWriter(w)
// the logger is associated with the request context here
// so that it may be retrieved in subsequent `http.Handlers`
r = r.WithContext(logger.WithCtx(ctx, l))
. . .
next.ServeHTTP(lrw, r)
The logger can be subsequently retrieved from the request context as follows:
func searchHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
ctx := r.Context()
l := logger.FromCtx(ctx)
l.Debug("entered searchHandler()")
. . .
Notice the presence of the correlation_id
in the output:
2023-05-20T15:32:50.821+0100 DEBUG entered searchHandler() {"correlation_id": "chkdk4koo2ej1bpr4l90"}
Using Zap as a backend for Slog
After the introduction of the
new structured logging package for Go,
known as Slog, there has
been work on implementing the slog.Handler
interface in Zap, allowing the
utilization of the Slog API with a Zap backend. This integration ensures
consistency in the logging API across various dependencies and facilitates the
seamless swapping of logging packages with minimal changes to the code.
As of now, Slog has not been included in an official Go release. Therefore, the official integration of Zap with Slog has been provided in a separate module, which can be installed using the following command:
go get
Afterwards, you can use it in your program like this:
func main() {
logger := zap.Must(zap.NewProduction())
defer logger.Sync()
sl := slog.New(zapslog.NewHandler(zapL.Core(), nil))
"incoming request",
slog.String("method", "GET"),
slog.String("path", "/api/user"),
slog.Int("status", 200),
{"level":"info","ts":1684613929.8395753,"msg":"incoming request","method":"GET","path":"/api/user","status":200}
If you ever decide to switch to a different backend, the only change needed is
the argument to the slog.New()
method. For example, you can switch from Zap to
Slog's JSONHandler
backend by making the following change:
func main() {
sl := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
"incoming request",
slog.String("method", "GET"),
slog.String("path", "/api/user"),
slog.Int("status", 200),
Everything else should continue working except that the log output could be slightly different depending on your configuration.
{"time":"2023-05-20T21:21:43.335894635+01:00","level":"INFO","msg":"incoming request","method":"GET","path":"/api/user","status":200}
Final thoughts
This article provides an analysis of the Zap package, one of the most popular logging packages used in Go programs. It highlights many of the package's key features and explains how it can be integrated into a standard web application setup. The article also covers some advanced logging techniques, and how to integrate it with the new standard library Slog package. To delve deeper into Zap logging, ensure to explore its official documentation and FAQs.
Thank you for reading, and happy logging!
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