How to Administer and Maintain a Docker Swarm Cluster
After deploying a High Availability Docker Swarm setup, there is often a need to re-design the underlying physical infrastructure which is hosting the deployed services. This need might be prompted by multiple factors, such as the following:
- Your service is in high demand, and you need to add more compute resources to cope with it.
- A node has been compromised, and you want to quarantine it.
- Your nodes are inactive, and you want to save energy and money by making the cluster smaller.
- You are running multiple services with uncorrelated constraints, and you need to add additional heterogeneous nodes to cope with said constraints.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to administer a Docker Swarm cluster by adding nodes, gracefully removing them, or changing a node's role within the cluster. For future reference, when the terms "scaling in" and "scaling out" are mentioned in the tutorial, we mean:
- Scaling in: removing nodes from the existing cluster.
- Scaling out: adding more nodes to the existing cluster.
We'll start the tutorial by analyzing the current state of the cluster (from where we left it at the end of the previous tutorial) and its services, then we can fix any pending service tasks by scaling out the cluster horizontally. We'll later promote one of the workers to a manager just before draining an existing node and making it leave the cluster (scaling in).
We will primarily use the Docker CLI and its docker node
and docker swarm
commands to handle all the cluster-level operations and inspections. These
commands will allow us to:
- List and inspect the cluster and its nodes.
- Join new nodes for scaling out the cluster.
- Promote workers to managers, thus scaling out just the set of manager nodes.
- Update existing nodes, such that they gracefully cease the execution of tasks.
- Leave a Swarm cluster such that inactive nodes can be removed gracefully (scaling in).
This tutorial is a follow-up to the previous one that discusses how to
horizontally scale a Docker Swarm Cluster in
production, so ensure you've read and performed all
of its steps. You also need to set up two additional servers called worker-3
and worker-4
, and execute the commands provided in Steps 1 and 2 of our High
Availability Docker Swarm tutorial on each server to ensure
that both servers are ready to join a Swarm cluster as worker nodes. Afterward,
make sure you are connected to the cluster's Leader node.
Step 1 — Verifying the state of the cluster
At this stage, you should find yourself at the end of the previous tutorial, meaning that you should be logged into the Leader node and see a five-node Docker Swarm cluster (with three managers and two workers), where all the manager nodes have have been drained:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq manager-1 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r * manager-3 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
You should also confirm that there is a Docker stack deployed in your cluster
named nginx
docker stack ls
nginx 1 Swarm
In the nginx
stack, there should be a single service called nginx_nginx
five replicas:
docker service ps nginx_nginx
ikq7t6neux8n nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running about a minute ago
gxanzkz032ih nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running about a minute ago
5kl334ckqook nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running about a minute ago
zj7voybfjvz1 nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running about a minute ago
uq7cnb2jup1v nginx_nginx.5 nginx:latest Running Pending 52 seconds ago "no suitable node (3 nodes not…"
Note that the fifth replica highlighted above (nginx_nginx.5
) is "Pending"
because in the final step of the previous tutorial, we set some service
constraints that prevents a node from running more than two replicas at once.
Therefore, since worker-1
and worker-2
are already at their limits, the
fifth replica has no where to go so it remains in a "Pending" state.
For a closer look, we can inspect this replica through the following command:
docker inspect <pending_replica_id>
"ID": "uq7cnb2jup1vzmna8ormeaegi",
. . .
"Spec": {
. . .
"Placement": {
"MaxReplicas": 2,
. . .
. . .
"ServiceID": "ayyax6sx0dyb73hpxyq25tc42",
"Slot": 5,
"Status": {
"Timestamp": "2022-10-11T12:08:43.874973849Z",
"State": "pending",
"Message": "pending task scheduling",
"Err": "no suitable node (3 nodes not available for new tasks; max replicas per node limit exceed)",
"PortStatus": {}
"DesiredState": "running",
. . .
The above output informs us that this replica was scheduled with the aforementioned placement constraints and is failing to start due to the following reasons:
- No suitable node is available because the maximum replicas per node has been met on all worker nodes.
- The other three nodes are drained, so they are not available for new tasks.
As a sanity check, we can confirm that there are, in fact, two service replicas already running on each node:
docker node ps worker-1
ikq7t6neux8n nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 13 minutes ago
5kl334ckqook nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 13 minutes ago
docker node ps worker-2
gxanzkz032ih nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 13 minutes ago
zj7voybfjvz1 nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 13 minutes ago
In short, worker-1
is running the nginx_nginx.1
and nginx_nginx.3
replicas, while worker-2
is running the nginx_nginx.2
and nginx_nginx.4
replicas. In the next step, you will resolve the pending state of the
replica by adding a new worker node to the cluster.
Step 2 - Scaling out the cluster by two nodes
The obvious choice for resolving the pending state of the nginx_nginx.5
replica is to add a new worker node to the Docker Swarm cluster, such that it
can absorb that replica. To scale out the cluster, you will use the same
commands used to set it up in the first place.
docker swarm
Usage: docker swarm COMMAND
Manage Swarm
ca Display and rotate the root CA
init Initialize a swarm
join Join a swarm as a node and/or manager
join-token Manage join tokens
leave Leave the swarm
unlock Unlock swarm
unlock-key Manage the unlock key
update Update the swarm
Run 'docker swarm COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
First, you need to retrieve the token and advertised address of the cluster so that other nodes can join it:
docker swarm join-token worker
This yields a docker swarm join
command for worker nodes that needs to be
executed on the new node:
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token <worker_token> <manager_server_ip>:<port>
Log into your worker-3
server and confirm that it isn't already part of a
Docker Swarm cluster:
docker info --format 'Name: {{.Name}}, Swarm status: {{.Swarm}}'
Name: worker-3, Swarm status: { inactive false [] 0 0 <nil> []}
It isn't! So you are good to paste and run the join
docker swarm join --token <worker_token> <manager_server_ip>:<port>
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
Fantastic! Let's confirm that this is true:
docker info --format 'Name: {{.Name}}, Swarm status: {{json .Swarm}}'
Name: worker-3, Swarm status: {"NodeID":"tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2","NodeAddr":"","LocalNodeState":"active","ControlAvailable":false,"Error":"","RemoteManagers":[{"NodeID":"9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq","Addr":""},{"NodeID":"uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7","Addr":""},{"NodeID":"txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r","Addr":""}]}
Docker is telling us that the worker-3
server is indeed part of a Swarm
cluster, and that it has three remote manager nodes:
, egyuy133wuvh3xpjha9gst7j4
, and
. These NodeID
s look a bit cryptic at first, but
when you compare them with the output from your docker node ls
command right
at the beginning of step 1 above, you will notice that it matches perfectly with
your cluster's manager-1
, manager-2
, and manager-3
nodes respectively.
Next, log into your worker-4
server, and, after making sure it also isn't
already running in Swarm mode, re-run the same join command:
docker swarm join --token <worker_token> <manager_server_ip>:<port>
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
As before, a quick inspection will tell you that the worker-4
server has also
been added to your Swarm cluster, under the management of your three well-known
manager nodes:
docker info --format 'Name: {{.Name}}, Swarm status: {{.Swarm}}'
Name: worker-4, Swarm status: {norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc active false [{9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq} {uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7} {txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r}] 0 0 <nil> []}
Now that you've added two new worker nodes to your cluster, head back to the
cluster's leader node (which is manager-3
in this tutorial, but may be
different on your end). From here, let's also confirm this is true:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r * manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 worker-3 Ready Active 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc worker-4 Ready Active 20.10.18
As you can see, worker-3
and worker-4
are in the cluster, ready for action!
The question now is: was our pending service replica nginx_nginx.5
picked up
by any of these two new worker nodes? Let's find out by executing the command
below on the leader node:
docker service ls
ayyax6sx0dyb nginx_nginx replicated 5/5 (max 2 per node) nginx:latest *:8088->80/tcp
So far so good; all five replicas seem to be running.
docker service ps nginx_nginx
ikq7t6neux8n nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 35 hours ago
gxanzkz032ih nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 35 hours ago
5kl334ckqook nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 35 hours ago
zj7voybfjvz1 nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 35 hours ago
uq7cnb2jup1v nginx_nginx.5 nginx:latest worker-3 Running Running 48 minutes ago
The list of service tasks also shows that the "nginx_nginx.5" is now running!
You can run the inspect
command to confirm that all is healthy, and that this
previously pending task now has a container associated with it (install jq
sudo apt install jq
"Timestamp": "2022-10-13T09:53:23.223355629Z",
"State": "running",
"Message": "started",
"ContainerStatus": {
"ContainerID": "e55e6f85ccda500d6c60f40a6bc9dded9515f828d412222242806390a84ec8e6",
"PID": 24162,
"ExitCode": 0
"PortStatus": {}
Finally, considering the order in which you've scaled out the cluster, it would
be logical to assume that the first new node (worker-3
) picked up this task.
Run the command below to verify:
docker node ps worker-3
uq7cnb2jup1v nginx_nginx.5 nginx:latest worker-3 Running Running about an hour ago
Step 3 — Scaling out the managers by promoting a worker node
In step two, you scaled out the entire cluster by adding two new worker nodes,
and this gives you the ability to add three more replicas of the nginx
according to the current placement constraints. If you want to add a new manager
node instead of a worker, there are two main possibilities:
- When adding a new node to the cluster, use the manager join instead of the worker join command. To obtain the manager join-token, you can run the command below on any existing manager node:
docker swarm join-token manager
- Promote an existing worker node to a manager node.
We will utilize the latter strategy in this tutorial. At the moment, we have a
7-node Swarm cluster with three managers and four workers (two of which have
been recently added). For the sake of simplicity, let's choose a worker node
that is not running any tasks. The best candidate is worker-4
, the latest
worker to join the cluster :
docker node ps worker-4
Double-check that the worker-4
node has the role of worker
docker node inspect worker-4 --format '{{.Spec.Role}}'
It all checks out, so let's proceed to the promotion step. The docker node
directive handles promotions and demotions:
docker node
Usage: docker node COMMAND
Manage Swarm nodes
demote Demote one or more nodes from manager in the swarm
inspect Display detailed information on one or more nodes
ls List nodes in the swarm
promote Promote one or more nodes to manager in the swarm
ps List tasks running on one or more nodes, defaults to current node
rm Remove one or more nodes from the swarm
update Update a node
Run 'docker node COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
Promotions are as simple as providing the ID of the node you want to promote:
docker node promote --help
Usage: docker node promote NODE [NODE...]
Promote one or more nodes to manager in the swarm
Before we proceed with the promotion of the worker-4
node, a side note must be
made here with respect to how the cluster manager nodes work, and the concept of
a "quorum".
Each Docker Swarm cluster has one or more manager nodes, which are responsible for managing the cluster and storing the swarm state (we currently have three manager nodes in our cluster). In order to manage the swarm state, these nodes talk with each other using the Raft Consensus Algorithm, so that all decisions are consensual. This operational behavior makes it so that the number of manager nodes actually plays an important role in the whole cluster.
Even though you can have as many manager nodes as you want, you must consider that with more manager nodes, there will be more jittering (due to the way the Raft Consensus algorithm works). Therefore, the more fault-tolerant the cluster is, the less performant it will be.
Another critical aspect to consider is the cluster's quorum. The Raft Consensus algorithm requires a majority of the manager nodes to participate in the management decision. If the quorum is lost, the managers will no longer be able to update the swarm state. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how many managers can you lose, before also losing the quorum (this is our fault tolerance). You can read more about this in the official documentation .
For our use case, we already have three manager nodes. Our current fault tolerance is one manager node (meaning that we can lose one manager node without interrupting cluster operations). By continuing with our current exercise, you will add one more manager node, meaning that we'll end up with four manager nodes, for which the fault tolerance is still one!
Having said this, please consider this example as a pure demonstration of a promotion process, knowing that we are gaining nothing by adding just one more manager node to our cluster (and we're actually reducing performance).
Go ahead and promote worker-4
to manager status:
docker node promote worker-4
Node worker-4 promoted to a manager in the swarm.
When listing the cluster nodes once again, you'll observe that worker-4
is now
a manager:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r * manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 worker-3 Ready Active 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc worker-4 Ready Active Reachable 20.10.18
And a node-specific inspection will confirm the same:
docker node inspect worker-4 --format '{{.Spec.Role}}'
Finally, as a sanity check, let's confirm that this recent node promotion hasn't
affected our existing nginx_nginx
docker service ps nginx_nginx
ikq7t6neux8n nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 36 hours ago
gxanzkz032ih nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 36 hours ago
5kl334ckqook nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 36 hours ago
zj7voybfjvz1 nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 36 hours ago
uq7cnb2jup1v nginx_nginx.5 nginx:latest worker-3 Running Running 2 hours ago
All good! Since worker-4
isn't running any service tasks, the nginx_nginx
service was left unaltered. Now that the worker-4
node has been promoted to a
manager, it makes no sense to keep referring to it as worker-4
. A name like
would be more appropriate, so let's go ahead and rename it.
Log into the worker-4
server and change its hostname using the command below
(enter your password when prompted):
hostnamectl set-hostname manager-4
Afterward, restart the docker
service on the server:
sudo systemctl restart docker
You may run the command below to verify that your changes have been effected in the Swarm cluster:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc * manager-4 Ready Active Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 worker-3 Ready Active 20.10.18
You leader node may change after restarting the docker
service. In this case
it changed from manager-3
to manager-1
Step 4 — Preventing a node from receiving new tasks
Although we've promoted a cluster worker node to manager status, it remains
available for accepting new tasks, as evidenced by the Active
availability in
the previous output. As explained in this article, its not
ideal to run Swarm tasks on manager nodes to protect them as much as possible.
Therefore, to prevent this manager-4
node from receiving new tasks we must
update it by setting its availability to "drain". This setting ensures that the
node won't be available to run new tasks, and existing tasks will be gracefully
shut down and re-scheduled on an available worker node.
Let's see how the node update command works:
docker node update --help
Usage: docker node update [OPTIONS] NODE
Update a node
--availability string Availability of the node ("active"|"pause"|"drain")
--label-add list Add or update a node label (key=value)
--label-rm list Remove a node label if exists
--role string Role of the node ("worker"|"manager")
Before draining the manager-4
node, note that the command below would have
been a suitable alternative for our promotion command in the previous step. Both
instructions exhibit the same behavior.
docker node update --role manager worker-4 # don't run this
Let's confirm the availability status of the manager-4
node first before
draining it:
docker node inspect manager-4 --format '{{.Spec.Availability}}'
It is active, so it can receive tasks at the moment. Let's drain it then:
docker node update --availability drain manager-4
The output is not very enlightening, but we can inspect the node to confirm the operation:
docker node inspect manager-4 --format '{{.Spec.Availability}}'
The output above confirms that the manager-4
node is no longer able to receive
any new tasks! This information should also be evident when listing the cluster
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc manager-4 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 worker-3 Ready Active 20.10.18
Step 5 - Gracefully scaling in the cluster by one node
The final step in this tutorial will demonstrate a reduction in the size of our
cluster (thus scaling in). To do this, one could simply force the removal of an
existing node through the rm
docker node rm --help
Usage: docker node rm [OPTIONS] NODE [NODE...]
Remove one or more nodes from the swarm
rm, remove
-f, --force Force remove a node from the swarm
However, this wouldn't be a graceful scaling operation, as we could unknowingly
remove a node that is conducting important business operations within the
cluster (e.g. executing service tasks). We should only use the docker node rm
command whenever a cluster node is already down.
Let's drain the worker-3
node, since we know it is a worker node, and thus
shouldn't affect the cluster quorum.
docker node update --availability drain worker-3
As expected, since this worker-3
node was executing a service task, said
service task will be gracefully stopped and marked for re-allocation somewhere
else in the cluster. However, given our service's placement constraints, this
service task will go back to the same state as in the beginning of the tutorial,
having no suitable worker node where to execute:
docker service ps nginx_nginx
ikq7t6neux8n nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 5 days ago
gxanzkz032ih nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 5 days ago
5kl334ckqook nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 5 days ago
zj7voybfjvz1 nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 5 days ago
qkzrxpwi8pvk nginx_nginx.5 nginx:latest Running Pending 39 seconds ago "no suitable node (5 nodes not…"
uq7cnb2jup1v \_ nginx_nginx.5 nginx:latest worker-3 Shutdown Shutdown 35 seconds ago
This is because the other two worker nodes have a maximum capacity of two tasks, and the third worker node has been drained. Here's the current state of our cluster:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc manager-4 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 worker-3 Ready Drain 20.10.18
Now that the worker-3
node has been drained, you can safely use
docker node rm
to remove it from the cluster:
docker node rm worker-3
Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = node tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 is not down and can't be removed
An error occurs here because the worker-3
node isn't down despite being
drained, and it is still a part of the cluster. Even though you could force a
removal of this node (through the -f
option), its best to leave the swarm
cluster first before re-running the rm
Go ahead and login into the worker-3
server. Afterward, double check there
aren't any tasks running (since it has been drained):
docker ps -a
e55e6f85ccda nginx:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 3 days ago Exited (0) 46 minutes ago nginx_nginx.5.uq7cnb2jup1vzmna8ormeaegi
As expected, the only task this node has in its history is the nginx_nginx
task which was recently stopped and is now awaiting a suitable worker node. It
is now safe for you to leave the cluster:
docker swarm leave
Node left the swarm.
All good! Now head back to the leader node in your cluster and run the command below:
docker node ls
The worker-3
node should now be flagged as "Down":
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc manager-4 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
tzpzykain64bc5ymjvmepa7k2 worker-3 Down Drain 20.10.18
Having "Down" nodes still appear in the node list is useful, because those nodes can come back to the cluster at any time. For example, a node can be temporarily down due to a server reboot.
Since we are sure that the worker-3
node is no longer needed, we can go ahead
and remove it from the cluster:
docker node rm worker-3
At this point, worker-3
should no longer be part of our cluster, and we should
now have a total of six nodes:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
norrldqnefib7l8emhrq3kmyc manager-4 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
Conclusion and next steps
In this tutorial, you learned about scaling a Docker Swarm cluster in and out. You can now fully inspect a cluster and know where services tasks are running, the different roles of each node in the cluster, and how to find and handle service tasks that are scattered throughout your cluster. You should also understand how a cluster quorum works, and how to maintain an healthy cluster while performing scaling operations such as adding, removing, and promoting nodes.
You can learn more about running Docker containers in production by checking the official documentation, perusing the rest of our scaling docker tutorial series, or reading our Docker logging guide.
Thanks for reading, and happy scaling!
This article was contributed by guest author Cristovao Cordeiro, a Docker certified Engineering Manager at Canonical. He's an expert in Containers and ex-CERN engineer with 9+ years of experience in Cloud and Edge computing.
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