Setting up Docker Swarm High Availability in Production
Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool that makes it easy to manage and scale your existing Docker infrastructure. It consists of a pool of Docker hosts that run in Swarm mode with some nodes acting as managers, workers, or both. Using Docker Swarm mode to manage your Docker containers brings the following benefits:
- It allows you to incrementally apply updates with zero downtime.
- It increases application resilience to outages by reconciling any differences between the actual state and your expressed desired state.
- It eases the process of scaling your applications since you only need to define the desired number of replicas in the cluster.
- It is built into the
CLI, so you don't need additional software to get up and running. - It enables multi-host networking such that containers deployed on different nodes can communicate with each other easily.
In this tutorial, you will learn key concepts in Docker Swarm and set up a highly available Swarm cluster that is resilient to failures. You will also learn some best practices and recommendations to ensure that your Swarm setup is fault tolerant.
Before proceeding with this tutorial, ensure that you have access to five Ubuntu 22.04 servers. This is necessary to demonstrate a highly available set up, although it is also possible to run Docker Swarm on a single machine. You also need to configure each server with a user that has administrative privileges.
The following ports must also be available on each server for communication purposes between the nodes. On Ubuntu 22.04, they are open by default:
- TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications,
- TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes,
- TCP and UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic.
Explaining Docker Swarm terminology
Before proceeding with this tutorial, let's examine some terms and definitions in Docker Swarm so that you have enough understanding of what each one means when they are used in this article and in other Docker Swarm resources.
- Node: refers to an instance of the Docker engine in the Swarm cluster.
- Manager nodes: they are tasked with handling orchestration and cluster management functions, and dispatching incoming tasks to worker nodes. They can also act as worker nodes unless placed in Drain mode (recommended).
- Leader: this is a specific manager node that is elected to perform orchestration tasks and management/maintenance operations by all the manager nodes in the cluster using the Raft Consensus Algorithm.
- Worker nodes: are Docker instances whose sole purpose is to receive and execute Swarm tasks from manager nodes.
- Swarm task: refers to a Docker container and the commands that run inside the container. Once a task is assigned to a node, it can run or fail but it cannot be transferred to a different node.
- Swarm service: this is the mechanism for defining tasks that should be executed on a node. It involves specifying the container image and commands that should run inside the container.
- Drain: means that new tasks are no longer assigned to a node, and existing tasks are reassigned to other available nodes.
Docker Swarm requirements for high availability
A highly available Docker Swarm setup ensures that if a node fails, services on the failed node are re-provisioned and assigned to other available nodes in the cluster. A Docker Swarm setup that consists of one or two manager nodes is not considered highly available because any incident will cause operations on the cluster to be interrupted. Therefore the minimum number of manager nodes in a highly available Swarm cluster should be three.
The table below shows the number of failures a Swarm cluster can tolerate depending on the number of manager nodes in the cluster:
Manager Nodes | Failures tolerated |
1 | 0 |
2 | 0 |
3 | 1 |
4 | 1 |
5 | 2 |
6 | 2 |
7 | 3 |
As you can see, having an even number of manager nodes does not help with failure tolerance, so you should always maintain an odd number of manager nodes. Fault tolerance improves as you add more manager nodes, but Docker recommends no more than seven managers so that performance is not negatively impacted since each node must acknowledge proposals to update the state of the cluster.
You should also distribute your manager nodes in separate locations so they are not affected by the same outage. If they run on the same server, a hardware problem could cause them all to go down. The high availability Swarm cluster that you will be set up in this tutorial will therefore exhibit the following characteristics:
- 5 total nodes (2 workers and 3 managers) with each one running on a separate server.
- 2 worker nodes (
). - 3 manager nodes (
, andmanager-3
Step 1 — Installing Docker
In this step, you will install Docker on all five Ubuntu servers. Therefore, execute all the commands below (and in step 2) on all five servers. If your host offers a snapshot feature, you may be able to run the commands on a single server and use that server as a base for the other four instances.
Let's start by installing the latest version of the Docker Engine (20.10.18 at the time of writing). Go ahead and update the package information list from all configured sources on your system:
sudo apt update
Afterward, install the following packages to allow apt
use packages over
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
Next, add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to the server:
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
Once the GPG key is added, include the official Docker repository in the server's apt sources list.
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
Finally, update apt once again and install the Docker Engine:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-ce
Once the relevant packages are installed, you check the status of the docker
service using the command below:
sudo systemctl status docker
If everything goes well, you should observe that the container engine is active and running on your server:
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-09-21 10:18:15 UTC; 58s ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
Main PID: 25355 (dockerd)
Tasks: 7
Memory: 22.2M
CPU: 346ms
CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
└─25355 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
In the next step, we will add the current user to the docker
group so that you
can use the docker
command without escalating to administrative privileges
(using sudo
) which can lead to security issues.
Step 2 — Executing the Docker command without sudo
By default, the docker
command can only be executed by the root user or any
user in the docker
group (auto created on installation). If you execute a
command without prefixing it with sudo
or running it through a user
that belongs to the docker
group, you will get a permission error that looks
like this:
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
As mentioned earlier, using sudo
with docker
is a security risk, so the
solution to the above error is to add the relevant user to the docker
which can be achieved through the command below:
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
Next, run the following command and enter the user's password when prompted for the changes to take effect:
su - ${USER}
You should now be able to run docker
commands without prefixing them with
. For example, when you run the command below:
docker ps
You should observe the following output:
Before proceeding to the next step, ensure that all the commands in step 1 and step 2 have been executed on all five servers.
Step 3 — Initializing the Swarm Cluster
At this point, each of your five Docker instances are acting as separate hosts
and not as part of a Swarm cluster. Therefore, in this step, we will initialize
the Swarm cluster on the manager-1
server and add the hosts to the cluster
Start by logging into one of the Ubuntu servers (manager-1
), and retrieve the
private IP address of the machine using the following command:
hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'
Copy the IP address to your clipboard and replace the <manager_1_server_ip>
placeholder in the command below to initialize Swarm mode:
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <manager_1_server_ip>
Swarm initialized: current node (9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token <token> <manager_1_server_ip>:<port>
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
The command above enables Swarm mode on the node and configures it as the first manager of the cluster. Ensure to copy the entire command to your clipboard (and replace the placeholders) as it will be utilized in the next section.
You can view the current state of the Swarm using the command below:
docker info
. . .
Swarm: active
NodeID: 9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq
Is Manager: true
ClusterID: q6laywz9u8xlis9wlkbzap8i0
Managers: 1
Nodes: 1
. . .
You can also use the command below to view information regarding the nodes on the cluster:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Active Leader 20.10.18
The *
next to the node ID indicates that you're currently connected to this
node. Here's the meaning of the other values:
- Ready: the node is recognized by the manager and can participate in the cluster.
- Active: the node is used as a worker also to run Docker containers.
- Leader: the node is a manager node and is also the cluster's leader.
In the next section of this tutorial, we will add two workers to our cluster bringing the total nodes to three.
Step 4 — Adding worker nodes to the cluster
Adding worker modes to a cluster can be done by running the command copied from
step 3 above (the docker swarm init
output) on the worker-1
and worker-2
docker swarm join --token <token> <manager_1_server_ip>:<port>
This node joined a swarm as a worker.
If you forgot to copy the join
command for workers, use the command below on
the manager-1
server to retrieve it:
docker swarm join-token worker
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token <token> <manager_1_server_ip>:<port>
After executing the join
command on each worker node, you should be able to
see the updated list of Swarm nodes when you run the command below on your
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Active Leader 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
The empty MANAGER
column for the worker-1
and worker-2
nodes identifies
them as worker nodes. Note that you can promote a worker node to a manager mode
by using the command below:
docker node promote <worker_node_id>
Node <worker_node_id> promoted to a manager in the swarm.
Step 5 — Adding manager nodes to the cluster
In this section, you will add the remaining two nodes to the cluster as
managers. This time, you need to retrieve the join
command for manager nodes
by running the command below on the manager-1
docker swarm join-token manager
To add a manager to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token <token> <manager_1_server_ip>:<port>
Copy the generated command above and execute it on each additional manager nodes
and manager-3
) as shown below:
docker swarm join --token <token> <manager_1_server_ip>:<port>
This node joined a swarm as a manager.
Finally, verify the status of the cluster nodes using the following command:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Active Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Active Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Active Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
Note that you can also demote a manager node to a worker as follows:
docker node demote <manager_node_id>
Manager <manager_node_id> demoted in the swarm.
Step 6 — Draining a node on the swarm
At the moment, all five nodes in the swarm cluster are running with Active
availability. This means they are all available to accept new tasks from the
swarm manager (including the leader). If you want to avoid scheduling tasks on a
node, you need to drain
it such that no new tasks are assigned to it, and
existing tasks are stopped and relaunched on a replica node with Active
In this section, you will drain the manager node so that it is no longer able to receive new tasks, which should help to improve its performance since no resources will be allocated towards running Docker containers.
Before you can drain a node, you need to figure out ID of the node to be drained
using the following command on the manager-1
docker node ls
Copy the ID of the Leader
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Active Leader 20.10.18
. . .
Next, update the node availability using the below command:
docker node update --availability drain <leader_node_id>
When you run docker node ls
once more, you should observe that the
of the Leader
node has been changed to Drain
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Active Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Active Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
You can also use the docker node inspect
command to check the availability of
a node:
docker node inspect --pretty <node_id>
ID: <node_id>
Hostname: manager-1
Joined at: 2022-09-21 11:07:08.730840341 +0000 utc
State: Ready
Availability: Drain
Manager Status:
Address: <ip_address>
Raft Status: Reachable
Leader: Yes
. . .
If you change your mind about draining a node, you can return it to an active state by executing the following command:
docker node update --availability active <node_id>
Step 7 — Deploying a Highly Available NGINX service
In this section, you will deploy a service to the running cluster using a High Availability Swarm configuration. We'll be utilizing the official NGINX docker image for demonstration purposes, but you can use any Docker image you want.
Start by creating the compose file for the nginx
service on the manager-1
server with all the necessary configurations for High Availability mode.
nano nginx.yaml
version: '3.7'
external: false
# --- NGINX ---
image: nginx:latest
- '8088:80'
replicas: 4
parallelism: 2
order: start-first
failure_action: rollback
delay: 10s
parallelism: 0
order: stop-first
condition: any
delay: 5s
max_attempts: 3
window: 120s
test: ["CMD", "service", "nginx", "status"]
- nginx
The above file configures an nginx
service with four replicas. Updates to the
containers will be carried out in batches (two at a time) with a wait time of 10
seconds before updating the next batch. If an update failure is detected, it
will roll back to the previous configuration. Please see the
Compose file reference for more
Go ahead and deploy the NGINX stack on the manager-1
node using the command
docker stack deploy -c nginx.yaml nginx
Creating network nginx_nginx
Creating service nginx_nginx
Once you deploy the stack, you will be able to see a list of running services on the cluster using the command below:
docker service ls
xh24wj31z4ml nginx_nginx replicated 4/4 nginx:latest *:8088->80/tcp
You can also see which nodes are running the service:
docker service ps <service_id>
inel921owq9b nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest manager-2 Running Running 2 minutes ago
uk18jo6wwlq6 nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest manager-3 Running Running 2 minutes ago
ijbalagf7isy nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 2 minutes ago
drgu007baw8z nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 2 minutes ago
Each replica runs on the four Active
nodes in this case. The DESIRED STATE
columns lets you determine the tasks are running according
to the service definition.
If you want to see details about the container for a task, run docker ps
the relevant node. For example, on manager-3
docker ps
62e396145307 nginx:latest "/docker-entrypoint.…" 7 minutes ago Up 7 minutes (healthy) 80/tcp nginx_nginx.2.uk18jo6wwlq6qfrv2lr6zk1xz
Step 8 — Draining the other manager nodes
As mentioned earlier, manager nodes should ideally be only responsible for management-related tasks. Currently, two of the three manager nodes are running replicas of the NGINX service which could hamper management operations under certain conditions. To prevent such interference, it is best to mark them as unavailable for running tasks by draining them as follows:
docker node update --availability drain <manager_node_id>
Once you've done so for both the manager-2
and manager-3
nodes, you'll
observe that their AVAILABILITY
has been updated to drain:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
The NGINX replicas that were running on both manager nodes are subsequently stopped and reassigned to each worker node. You can confirm that four replicas are still running using the command below:
docker service ls
xh24wj31z4ml nginx_nginx replicated 4/4 nginx:latest *:8088->80/tcp
Now, confirm which nodes are running each replica through the command below:
docker service ps <service_id>
ikjo7su8ooo6 nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 19 minutes ago
inel921owq9b \_ nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest manager-2 Shutdown Shutdown 19 minutes ago
y0y5mvj5n44r nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 19 minutes ago
uk18jo6wwlq6 \_ nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest manager-3 Shutdown Shutdown 19 minutes ago
ijbalagf7isy nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running about an hour ago
drgu007baw8z nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running about an hour ago
As you can see, the manager-2
and manager-3
tasks were shut down 19 minutes
ago and subsequently reassigned to worker-2
and worker-1
respectively. Your
manager nodes are now only responsible for cluster management activities and
maintaining high availability of the cluster.
Step 9 — Testing the failover mechanism
Before concluding this tutorial, let's test the availability of our cluster by
causing the current leader (manager-1
) to fail. Once this happens, the other
managers should detect the failure and elect a new leader.
You can cause the manager-1
node to become unavailable by stopping the
service on the server:
sudo systemctl stop docker
Afterward, run the docker node ls
command on any of the other manager nodes:
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq manager-1 Ready Drain Unreachable 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r * manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
Notice that manager-1
is deemed unreachable and manager-2
has been elected
the new leader. If you check the NGINX service status, you'll observe that the
replicas running on the worker nodes were all restarted afterward:
docker service ps <service_id>
ikjo7su8ooo6 nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 3 minutes ago
inel921owq9b \_ nginx_nginx.1 nginx:latest manager-2 Shutdown Shutdown 34 minutes ago
y0y5mvj5n44r nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 3 minutes ago
uk18jo6wwlq6 \_ nginx_nginx.2 nginx:latest manager-3 Shutdown Shutdown 34 minutes ago
ijbalagf7isy nginx_nginx.3 nginx:latest worker-1 Running Running 3 minutes ago
drgu007baw8z nginx_nginx.4 nginx:latest worker-2 Running Running 3 minutes ago
When you start the docker
service on manager-1
once again, it will be marked
as Reachable
, but manager-2
will remain the Leader
of the cluster.
sudo systemctl start docker
docker node ls
9r83zto8qpqiazt6slxfkjypq * manager-1 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
uspt9qwqnzqwl78gbxc7omja7 manager-2 Ready Drain Leader 20.10.18
txrdxwuwjpg5jjfer3bcmtc5r manager-3 Ready Drain Reachable 20.10.18
kaq8r9gec4t58yc9oh3dc0r2d worker-1 Ready Active 20.10.18
vk1224zd81xcihgm1iis2703z worker-2 Ready Active 20.10.18
Final thoughts
A highly available setup is one of the essential requirements for any production system, but building such systems used to be a tedious and complex task. As demonstrated in this tutorial, using Docker and Docker Swarm makes this task much easier and also takes fewer resources when compared to other technologies (such as Kubernetes) used to accomplish the same type of high availability setup.
There's a lot more pertaining to Docker Swarm (security, scaling, secrets management, etc) that cannot be covered in one tutorial, so ensure to check out the official Swarm guide and the rest of our scaling docker tutorial series. If you would like to read more on Docker, feel free to also explore our Docker logging guide.
Thanks for reading!
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