JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a data format that has gained popularity since its introduction in the early 2000s. It has become a ubiquitous standard for data transfer across systems (such as API request bodies), surpassing previous formats like XML.
Go, with its strong typing and emphasis on simplicity and efficiency, is well-suited for working with JSON data. Whether you're building web applications, working with APIs, or storing data in databases, Go provides a range of tools and techniques for working with JSON data.
In this article, we will provide a complete guide to working with JSON in Go. We will start by covering the serialization and deserialization of JSON data in Go, and then discuss how to validate JSON payloads. We will also cover best practices and common pitfalls to avoid when working with JSON data in Go.
By the end of this article, you'll have a deep understanding of how to work with JSON data in Go, and be well-equipped to write efficient, maintainable, and error-free code that works seamlessly with JSON data.
To follow along with this article, ensure that you have the latest version of Go installed on your machine. If you are missing Go, you can find the installation instructions here.
You can view and run the examples in this tutorial by setting up the demo repository:
git clone
cd go-json/
Then, install the necessary dependencies:
go mod download
This article also assumes that you are comfortable with JSON syntax. If you are unfamiliar with JSON, refer to this resource for more information.
JSON terminology in Go
There are two key terminologies to note when working with JSON in Go:
- Marshalling: the act of converting a Go data structure into valid JSON.
- Unmarshalling: the act of parsing a valid JSON string into a data structure in Go.
In other languages, marshalling is often referred to as “serializing”, while unmarshalling is referred to as “deserializing”. For the rest of this article, we will sticking with Go's terminology.
The following diagram illustrates these processes.
We will start by looking at how JSON access is achieved through the built-in
Unmarshalling JSON in Go
We will start by discussing the unmarshalling process using the
func Unmarshal(data []byte, v any) error
This methods accepts two arguments: the first is a []byte
which represents the
JSON object to unmarshal, and the second is any
(introduced in Go 1.18 as an
alias for interface{}
) which should be a pointer to the target data structure
for storing the result of unmarshalling the JSON data.
Here's an example that unmarshals a JSON object to a map[string]any
func main() {
input := `{
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 15,
"hobbies": ["climbing", "cycling", "running"]
var target map[string]any
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &target)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
for k, v := range target {
fmt.Printf("k: %s, v: %v\n", k, v)
The map[string]any
data type in Go is a generic container that can hold values
of any type, including complex nested structures. In this case, the JSON keys
will be unmarshalled into the string
type, and their corresponding values will
be unmarshalled into the any
type of the map[string]any
. A nil
map is
permissible here as Unmarshal()
will allocate a new map in such cases. You can
refer to the
official documentation on Unmarshal()
for more information.
The expected output looks like this:
k: name, v: John Doe
k: age, v: 15
k: hobbies, v: [climbing cycling running]
If an invalid JSON object is provided, an error will be returned by
. A common example of an invalid JSON object is one that has a
trailing comma:
input := `
name: "John Doe",
"age": 15,
"hobbies": ["climbing", "cycling", "running"],
Attempting to unmarshal the JSON object above would yield the following error:
2023/03/23 07:24:39 Unable to marshal JSON due to invalid character '}' looking for beginning of object key string
While map[string]any
can be used to unmarshal JSON, it is not the most optimal
solution for several reasons:
You lose the type safety and compile-time checks that are provided by Go's static type system. This can make it harder to catch errors and maintain code over time.
It can be slower than working with typed structs or custom types that implement the
interface. This is because accessing fields in a map requires a dynamic lookup, whereas accessing fields in a struct is done statically at compile-time.It can make it more difficult to reason about the structure of the JSON data being unmarshalled, as the values can be of any type. This can lead to more verbose and error-prone code.
In general, it's best to use typed structs or custom types whenever possible for
JSON unmarshalling in Go. These types provide better type safety, performance,
and maintainability than using map[string]any
Using structs for JSON unmarshalling
When using structs for unmsarshalling JSON objects, the field names in the
object are mapped to the field names in the struct
and the values are assigned
accordingly. Let's look at a simple example of a Dog
struct type and how
unmarshalling works with structs below:
type Dog struct {
Breed string
Name string
FavoriteTreat string
Age int
func main() {
input := `{
"Breed": "Golden Retriever",
"Age": 8,
"Name": "Paws",
"FavoriteTreat": "Kibble"
var dog Dog
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &dog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
"%s is a %d years old %s who likes %s\n",
Here's the result:
Paws is a 8 years old Golden Retriever who likes Kibble
In this example, the json.Unmarshal()
function takes the input
data, along
with a pointer to a Dog
struct. The function then populates the fields in the
struct with the corresponding values from the JSON data.
You can also unmarshal more complex JSON objects such as the one shown below:
"name": "James Peterson",
"age": 37,
"address": {
"line1": "Block 78 Woodgrove Avenue 5",
"line2": "Unit #05-111",
"postal": "654378"
"pets": [
"name": "Lex",
"kind": "Dog",
"age": 4,
"color": "Gray"
"name": "Faye",
"kind": "Cat",
"age": 6,
"color": "Orange"
You must design your target struct to include other structs as fields and allow
to handle the mapping of fields accordingly.
type (
FullPerson struct {
Address Address
Name string
Pets []Pet
Age int
Pet struct {
Name string
Kind string
Color string
Age int
Address struct {
Line1 string
Line2 string
Postal string
func main() {
b, err := os.ReadFile("assets/complex.json")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to read file due to %s\n", err)
var person FullPerson
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &person)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
Name: "James Peterson",
Age: 37,
Address: examples.Address{
Line1: "Block 78 Woodgrove Avenue 5",
Line2: "Unit #05-111",
Postal: "654378",
Pets: []examples.Pet{
Name: "Lex",
Kind: "Dog",
Age: 4,
Color: "Gray",
Name: "Faye",
Kind: "Cat",
Age: 6,
Color: "Orange",
As you can see, Unmarshal()
easily handles both nested JSON objects and nested
JSON arrays. Do note that any nested structs must also match the same fields in
the JSON.
Now that we've explored how JSON unmarshalling works in Go, let's look at some gotchas when unmarshalling into structs in Go.
Common pitfalls with JSON unmarshalling in Go
While JSON unmarshalling is a relatively simple task in Go, there are several common pitfalls that you should be aware of to avoid mistakes in your business logic. In this section, we will discuss some of the most common gotchas that you might face when unmarshalling JSON in Go and provide tips on how to avoid them
1. Extra fields are omitted in the target struct
If the input JSON contains additional fields that are not a part of the target
struct fields, they will be discarded when unmarshalled. Using the same Dog
struct declared above, we can demonstrate this behavior:
func main() {
input := `{
"Breed": "Golden Retriever",
"Age": 8,
"Name": "Paws",
"FavoriteTreat": "Kibble",
"Dislikes": "Cats"
var dog Dog
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &dog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
Notice that the input JSON contains the additional field Dislikes
but that
field is not included in the target Dog
struct. Therefore, it is discarded:
Breed: "Golden Retriever",
Age: 8,
Name: "Paws",
FavoriteTreat: "Kibble",
2. Missing fields fallback to zero values
Missing fields in the input JSON will cause the zero value of the corresponding struct field to be used instead:
func main() {
input := `{
"Breed": "Golden Retriever",
"Age": 8,
"Name": "Paws"
var dog Dog
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &dog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
fmt.Printf("%s likes %s\n", dog.Name, dog.FavoriteTreat)
Paws likes
Since the FavoriteTreat
field is been omitted from the input JSON, it will be
an empty string in the resulting struct. If you wish to guarantee that a field
is not omitted in the input JSON, you must use a validation library which will
be discussed in a subsequent section.
3. Unmarshalling is case insensitive
The Unmarshal()
method will match the field name of the input JSON to the
field in the struct
in a case insensitive manner as long as the characters and
their order are the same.
func main() {
input := `{
"BreED": "Golden Retriever",
"age": 8,
"NaME": "Paws",
"favoriTeTrEat": "Kibble"
var dog Dog
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &dog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
"%s is a %d years old %s who likes %s\n",
Paws is a 8 years old Golden Retriever who likes Kibble
Notice how the Dog
struct was populated successfully despite the casing of the
fields in the input JSON.
4. Field names must match JSON keys exactly
When defining structs for unmarshalling JSON, it's important to ensure that the names of struct fields match the keys in the JSON data exactly. If there is a mismatch, the field will not be populated with the corresponding value from the JSON data.
func main() {
input := `{
"Breed": "Golden Retriever",
"Age": 8,
"Name": "Paws",
"favorite_treat": "Kibble"
var dog Dog
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &dog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
"%s is a %d years old %s who likes %s\n",
Paws is a 8 years old Golden Retriever who likes
As you can see, the input JSON uses the key favorite_treat
but the Dog
struct declares the field as FavoriteTreat
so the unmarshalled struct
not use the input JSON’s value for favorite_treat
. There is a workaround
using struct tags that will be
discussed in a subsequent section.
5. Type aliases are preserved
If there are type alias fields in your struct, their values and type alias will be preserved when unmarshalled:
type (
TypeAliasExample string
TypeAliasStruct struct {
Example TypeAliasExample
type (
TypeAliasExample string
TypeAliasStruct struct {
Example TypeAliasExample
Example: "Hello world",
Now that we have understood some of the gotchas of unmarshalling data into structs, let us explore the more complex components of unmarshalling.
JSON Marshalling in Go
The json.Marshal()
method does the opposite of Unmarshal()
by converting a
given data structure into a JSON. When working with the basic types in Go
(strings, integers, slices, maps), it generates the corresponding JSON
func marshal(in any) []byte {
out, err := json.Marshal(in)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal due to %s\n", err)
return out
func main() {
first := marshal(14)
second := marshal("Hello world")
third := marshal([]float32{1.66, 6.86, 10.1})
fourth := marshal(map[string]int{"num": 15, "other": 17})
"first: %s\nsecond: %s\nthird: %s\nfourth: %s\n",
first: 14
second: "Hello world"
third: [1.66,6.86,10.1]
fourth: {"num":15,"other":17}
Note that we have abstracted Marshal()
into a separate function to simplify
the error handling process. Regardless, the example above illustrates how basic
types in Go will be marshalled accordingly.
In most cases, you'll be working with more complex types like structs that represent database models or server responses. Marshalling these types requires more careful handling of the data, as the structure of the JSON output will depend on the structure of the Go type being marshalled.
Marshalling structs
Similar to unmarshalling JSON into structs, you can also marshal a struct into JSON.
func main() {
p := Person{
Name: "John Jones",
Age: 26,
Email: "",
Phone: "89910119",
Hobbies: []string{
b, err := json.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal due to %s\n", err)
{"Name":"John Jones","Age":26,"Email":"","Phone":"89910119","Hobbies":["Swimming","Badminton"]}
The Marshal()
method produces a valid JSON from the given struct, including
any nested JSON arrays or JSON objects.
Notice that the generated JSON is a single line without proper formatting. Although this is an ideal form when transmitting information through a network, it is not a very user friendly representation of the JSON.
If you wish to format the JSON object, you can use the MarshalIndent()
which performs the same function as Marshal()
but applies some indentation to
format the output.
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(p, "", " ")
You should now observe the following output:
"Name": "John Jones",
"Age": 26,
"Email": "",
"Phone": "89910119",
"Hobbies": [
You can configure two aspects of formatting with MarshalIndent()
. The first is
the prefix per line which appears at the start of every line. For most purposes,
you would set this parameter to be an empty string. The second configures the
indentation level which is two spaces in the above example.
Customizing JSON field names with struct tags
In Go, struct tags are annotations that can be added to the fields of a struct to provide additional information about how the fields should be treated by various tools and libraries. Struct tags are strings that are added to the end of a field declaration, enclosed in backticks.
The most common use case for struct tags is to specify how a struct should be marshalled and unmarshalled to and from JSON. By adding tags to the fields of a struct, you can control how the fields are named, which fields are ignored, and how they are encoded and decoded.
For example, consider the following struct definition:
type Dog struct {
Breed string
Name string
FavoriteTreat string
Age int
var dog = Dog{
Breed: "Golden Retriever",
Age: 8,
Name: "Paws",
FavoriteTreat: "Kibble",
At the moment, the dog
variable will be marshalled into the following JSON
object where the properties correspond exactly to the struct field names:
{"Breed":"Golden Retriever","Name":"Paws","FavoriteTreat":"Kibble","Age":8}
You can customize this output by using json
struct tags on the Dog
type Dog struct {
Breed string `json:"breed"`
Name string `json:"name"`
FavoriteTreat string `json:"favorite_treat"`
Age int `json:"age"`
Note the syntax of the struct tag. It appears after the type of the field,
surrounded by "``", and takes on the following format: json:"<name>"
. Here,
the Name
field will be mapped to the JSON key "name", Age
will be mapped to
the JSON key "age", FavoriteTreat
to "favorite_treat", and Breed
to "breed".
You will now observe the following JSON output:
{"breed":"Golden Retriever","name":"Paws","favorite_treat":"Kibble","age":8}
It also works the same way for unmarshalling. Assuming you have the following JSON input:
"name": "Coffee",
"breed": "Toy Poodle",
"age": 5,
"favorite_treat": "Kibble"
You can unmarshal it into the Dog
struct shown below:
func main() {
input := `{
"name": "Coffee",
"breed": "Toy Poodle",
"age": 5,
"favorite_treat": "Kibble"
var coffee Dog
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &coffee)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
Breed: "Toy Poodle",
Age: 5,
Name: "Coffee",
FavoriteTreat: "Kibble",
Do note that the case insensitivity and symbol sensitivity of unmarshalling will still apply with struct tags, but only to the standardized name declared in the tag (not the original field name).
Other uses of struct tags
Beyond customizing the field names, struct tags can also be used to omit empty fields or to ignore fields altogether during marshalling and unmarshalling.
To omit an empty field (one with its zero value in Go), add the omitempty
struct tag to the existing struct tag. To ignore a field whether it is empty or
not, use json:"-"
type User struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"-"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Hobbies []string `json:"hobbies,omitempty"`
func main() {
user := User{
Username: "admin",
Password: "root",
Email: "",
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(user, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal due to %s\n", err)
The above code generates the following JSON:
"username": "admin",
"email": ""
Notice that the Password
field excluded from the marshalled JSON since it is
ignored through json:"-"
. This can be useful in situations where you want to
include a field in a struct for internal use, but you don't want it to be
exposed or serialized in the JSON output. Do note that ignored fields will not
be populated during unmarshalling.
On the other hand, the Hobbies
field is omitted since it was not initialized
to a value in the user
variable. This creates a more concise JSON output that
only includes the necessary fields.
Converting JSON to Go
Suppose you're working with an external API with complex JSON responses. For instance, the Spotify API has the following JSON schema for fetching a user:
"country": "string",
"display_name": "string",
"email": "string",
"explicit_content": {
"filter_enabled": true,
"filter_locked": true
"external_urls": {
"spotify": "string"
"followers": {
"href": "string",
"total": 0
"href": "string",
"id": "string",
"images": [
"url": "\n",
"height": 300,
"width": 300
"product": "string",
"type": "string",
"uri": "string"
To manually map the JSON schema to a struct in Go would be a time consuming process, but this task can be eased through tools that can perform this conversion such as JSON-to-Go and JSON Typedef.
For instance, the following struct
is generated using the JSON-to-Go web
interface. As you can see, the generated code is not entirely perfect, but it
provides a good starting point for working with the JSON responses from the API.
While these tools can reduce the time spent manually converting the JSON schema
to a Go struct
, the generated code must be checked to ensure that the output
meets your requirements.
Validating JSON data
There are two main forms of JSON validation. The first kind is involves validating that a given JSON string is proper (i.e. not malformed). The second kind checks if the input JSON conforms to a predefined schema.
First, let's use the json.Valid()
method to check for malformed JSON in Go:
func main() {
good := `{"name": "John Doe"}`
bad := `{name: "John Doe"}`
The bad
input JSON string does not wrap the name
key in double quotes.
As expected, the good
JSON string will return true
while the bad
one will
return false
. This is a good first step to ensure that you are working with
valid JSON data. However, its often necessary to enforce a particular schema for
the input JSON. This can be achieved using third-party validation packages such
as go-playground/validator. It
also relies on struct tags to perform data validation.
To begin using validator
, install the package in your project. It has already
been installed in the demo repository:
go get
The validator
package provides
several struct tags
that can be used to validate JSON input. However, we will only go through a
handful of the most commonly used ones in this section.
To implement data validation on a struct, you must use the validate
tags shown
type User struct {
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
Email string `json:"email" validate:"required,email"`
Age int `json:"age" validate:"required,min=18,max=99"`
Notice that the validation rules are provided as a set of comma-separated values
with some properties having a value after an =
In English, the validation rules can be understood as such:
- Username must be present (non-empty string).
- Password must be present (non-empty string).
- Email must be present and it must follow the standard email format.
- Age must be present and it must at least 18 and at most 99.
We can test these validation rules by attempting to unmarshal a valid and invalid JSON.
Given the following invalid JSON, we should expect the validation to flag out the invalid fields:
"username": "johndoe",
"email": "johndoe@emai",
"age": -14
func main() {
input := `{
"username": "johndoe",
"email": "johndoe@emai",
"age": -14
var user User
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &user)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal JSON due to %s", err)
fmt.Printf("User before validation: %v\n", user)
err = validator.New().Struct(user)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Validation failed due to %v\n", err)
As expected, the validator returns an error that flags the erroneous fields in the input JSON after unmarshalling:
User before validation: {johndoe johndoe@emai -14}
Validation failed due to Key: 'ValidatedUser.Password' Error:Field validation for 'Password' failed on the 'required' tag
Key: 'ValidatedUser.Email' Error:Field validation for 'Email' failed on the 'email' tag
Key: 'ValidatedUser.Age' Error:Field validation for 'Age' failed on the 'min' tag
Note that the prior to using the validator
package, the JSON was successfully
unmarshalled since the validation struct tags are only evaluated when explicitly
By altering the input JSON to abide by the validation rules set out above, we can expect the validation to pass.
"username": "johndoe",
"password": "root",
"email": "",
"age": 18
This time, with a valid JSON input, the validation passes:
User before validation: {johndoe root 18}
User after validation: {johndoe root 18}
The validator
package supports many more struct tags for validation so you are
encouraged to give the
official documentation
a thorough read.
Defining custom behavior for marshalling and unmarshalling data
In Go, you can define custom behavior for marshalling data by implementing the
interface. This interface defines a single method,
which takes no arguments and returns a byte slice and an error.
To implement the json.Marshaler
interface, you need to define a new type that
wraps the original type you want to marshal. This new type should have a method
named MarshalJSON()
that returns a byte slice and an error.
type (
CustomTime struct {
Baby struct {
BirthDate CustomTime `json:"birth_date"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Gender string `json:"gender"`
In the above snippet, we defined a new CustomTime
type that wraps a
value. In is subsequently used in the Baby
struct as the type of
the BirthDate
Here's an example that marshals a value of type Baby
func main() {
baby := Baby{
Name: "johnny",
Gender: "male",
BirthDate: CustomTime{
time.Date(2023, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.Now().Location()),
b, err := json.Marshal(baby)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to marshal due to %s\n", err)
You will observe the following output:
Notice how the birth_date
presented in the
RFC 3339 format. You can now define
the custom marshalling behavior that will return a different format for
values (such as DD-MM-YYYY
) instead of the default RFC 3339
timestamp format.
You only need to define a MarshalJSON()
method for the type as shown below:
func (ct CustomTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`%q`, ct.Time.Format("02-01-2006"))), nil
Now, when you marshal the baby
variable once more, you will observe the new
format for birth_date
Customizing the unmarshalling behavior for a type works in a similar way. You
need to implement the json.Unmarshaler
type instead:
type Unmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
For example, you can use the dateparse
package to ensure that various date formats can be used to supply a birth date
instead of the fixed formats allowed by time.Parse()
func (ct *CustomTime) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
value := strings.Trim(string(input), `"`)
t, err := dateparse.ParseAny(value)
if err != nil {
return err
ct.Time = t
return nil
Here, the UnmarshalJSON()
method unmarshals a JSON string in variety of
formats into a CustomTime
value as long as it is supported by the dateparse
package. With this in place, any of the following date formats (and many others)
will be unmarshalled successfully:
{"name": "Mary", "gender": "F", "birth_date": "19-02-2023"}
{"name": "Mary", "gender": "F", "birth_date": "Mon 30 Sep 2022 09:09:09 PM UTC"}
{"name": "Mary", "gender": "F", "birth_date": "2022/12/31"}
As you can see, customizing the unmarshalling behavior allows for tremendous flexibility when parsing all kinds of JSON data.
The difference between JSON encoding and marshalling
The encoding/json
package also provides two other constructs for working with
JSON in Go which are json.Encoder
and json.Decoder
. These types essentially
do the same thing as Marshal
and Unmarshal
but they operate on streams of
data instead of JSON objects that are already fully loaded in memory.
For example, json.Decoder
can read from an io.Reader
(such as an os.File
and decode JSON values into a struct:
func main() {
coffeeFile, err := os.Open("assets/coffee.json")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to read file due to %s\n", err)
var coffee Dog
decoder := json.NewDecoder(coffeeFile)
err = decoder.Decode(&coffee)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to decode due to %s\n", err)
You will observe the following output:
Breed: "Toy Poodle",
Name: "Coffee",
FavoriteTreat: "Kibble",
Age: 5,
One difference between json.Decode()
and json.Unmarshal
is that the former
allows you to display an error when the input JSON contains properties that do
not match any non-ignored, exported fields in the destination unlike the latter
where such fields are simply ignored.
This is done through the DisallowUnknownFields()
method on the Decoder
decoder := json.NewDecoder(coffeeFile)
Assuming the input JSON contains a property that is not present in the Dog
"name": "Coffee",
"breed": "Toy Poodle",
"age": 5,
"favorite_treat": "Kibble",
"color": "brown"
You will observe the following error:
2023/03/23 15:29:51 Unable to decode due to json: unknown field "color"
The json.Encoder
type, on the other hand, writes the JSON encoding of a Go
type into a provided writable stream (io.Writer
). It is often used to write a
JSON response to a client request:
func main() {
newDog := Dog{
Breed: "Poodle",
Age: 15,
Name: "Chloe",
FavoriteTreat: "Dog Sticks",
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
encoder := json.NewEncoder(w)
err := encoder.Encode(newDog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to encode due to %s\n", err)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux))
When you start the server and make a request to it, you will observe the following response:
curl locahosst:3000
{"breed":"Poodle","name":"Chloe","favorite_treat":"Dog Sticks","age":15}
Third-party alternatives to encoding/json
While encoding/json
is relatively dynamic and powerful, it is not the fastest
JSON package out there. In performance critical situations, it might be
worthwhile to consider a using a third-party package such as the ones shown
below (not a comprehensive list):
Each library has their pros and cons so be sure to investigate each one thoroughly before making a decision on what to use.
An improved encoding/json implementation (experimental)
Work is currently being done on a reimplementation of the encoding/json package that aims to provide a more flexible, performant, and easy to use package for JSON access in Go. It eventually aims to be proposed for addition to the Go standard library, but it remains in the design and experimentation phase
There are many behavior changes introduced in this new implementation. Some of the key ones to note include:
- Unmarshalling will now be case-sensitive (it was case-insensitive name matching previously),
slices will be marshalled as an empty JSON array (it currently producesnull
maps will be marshalled as an empty JSON object (it currently producesnull
).- To improve performance, JSONv2 no longer sorts the keys of a Go map.
- and several more.
Given that this is still at an experimental stage, it may not become a part of
the standard library if it does not provide significant benefit over the
existing encoding/json
package. As such, do not depend on it until it has been
officially added to the Go standard library.
Final thoughts
To sum up, Go delivers solid capabilities for handling JSON data. With its
package, a diverse set of powerful tools is provided for
encoding, decoding, marshalling, and unmarshalling JSON data within your Go
Throughout this article, we have explored various aspects of JSON handling in Go, such as the fundamentals of encoding and decoding JSON data, employing structs for marshalling and unmarshalling purposes, and identifying common gotchas to avoid when working with JSON data in Go.
By mastering these concepts and adhering to the presented best practices, you will be well-prepared to manage JSON data in your Go applications, leading to more efficient, maintainable, and error-free code.
Thanks for reading!
Further reading:
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