Bearer $TOKEN
Body parameters
Required if using global API token to specify the team which should own the resource
Source name
Source platform.
The currently supported platforms are:
- apache2
- aws_cloudwatch
- aws_ecs
- aws_elb
- aws_fargate
- cloudflare_logpush
- cloudflare_worker
- datadog_agent
- docker
- dokku
- dotnet
- elasticsearch
- filebeat
- flights
- fluentbit
- fluentd
- fly_io
- haproxy
- heroku
- http
- java
- javascript
- kubernetes
- logstash
- minio
- mongodb
- mysql
- nginx
- open_telemetry
- php
- postgresql
- prometheus
- python
- rabbitmq
- redis
- render
- rsyslog
- ruby
- syslog-ng
- traefik
- ubuntu
- vector
- vercel_integration
- flights