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Resolve an incident

Automatically acknowledge Uptime incidents created in Jira by using our Incidents API and Jira Automation.

Setting up Jira Automation Rule

  1. Go to the Jira Dashboard โ†’ Project Settings โ†’ Automation

    If you'd like to apply this to all your projects, switch to the Global administration and apply the following to the Global rules

  2. Click on Create rule

  3. Select the Issue transitioned trigger, and then fill in the To status as Done, and then Save the changes.

    ACK Trigger.png
    Resolve Trigger.png

  4. Now let's add the IF: add a condition, choose the created incident_id field, and Condition = is not empty. This will ensure that only the tickets that are connected with Uptime incidents will be taken into account.

  5. We'll now follow with the THEN: add an action and look for Send web request action.

    ACK Action.png

  6. In the Web request URL, insert the https://uptime.betterstack.com/api/v2/incidents/{{incident_id}}/resolve. Also, fill in the Authorization Header and insert your API Bearer Token.

Let's take a look at all details:

Web request URL: https://uptime.betterstack.com/api/v2/incidents/{{incident_id}}/resolve
Headers (optional): Authorization: Bearer {{$TOKEN}}
HTTP method: POST
Web request body: Custom data
Custom data: {"resolved_by": "{{updated}} - {{changelog.status}}"}

Resolve Action Detail.png
7. OPTIONAL Now, you can also add another THEN: add an action and Comment on issue, which will then add the API's response to the ticket. The commend in t his case is {{webResponse.body}}.
Resolve Comment.png

That's all! ๐ŸŽ‰

From now on, a new incident will be triggered in Uptime every time a new Jira ticket matching the conditions is created.

Need help with setting up the Jira Integration?

Please message us at hello@betterstack.com, and we will help you with all the necessary configurations.